Than to wash out an eye to a kitten?

Transparent, rare and uninvolved discharge from the eyes is the norm. They are the result of self-cleaning of lacrimal ducts. But if you notice that the discharge has become purulent and clearly disturbs the kitten, you need to rinse his eyes.

Than to wash out an eye to a kitten if they suppurate?

Excessive discharge from the eyes of the animal can talk about a violation of the outflow of tears, allergies , foreign body in the eye, eyelid twig, infection, blepharitis and other diseases accompanied by abundant lacrimation.

Elimination of the cause always leads to an independent cessation of secretions. And for an accurate definition of the disease is better to contact the veterinarian.

Than to wash out an eye to a kitten if there is no opportunity to show it to the doctor? At home, you can wash your eyes with a warm solution of boric acid . To do this, dissolve 2 teaspoons without a slide in half a glass of warm water. You can also use a physical solution or ordinary warm water.

Often ourselves and our children we wash the sour eyes tea brew. Quite reasonably, the question arises: can kittens wash their eyes with tea? If it is without sugar, flavors and aromatops, then it is possible to use strong tea to wash the cat's eyes.

If the secretions are very dense, suppurative and obviously an infectious disease, you can wash the eyes of the kitten with a more serious preparation, for example, furacilin, chlorhexin, antibiotic or preparations of the homeopathic series: aconite or belladonna.

How to wash the kitten with eyes?

To do this you will need a dry gauze pad or cotton pad, separate for each eye. To fix the kitten, it is better to ask someone for help.

We moistened in a solution with a napkin along the slightly open eyelids in the direction from the outer edge to the inner corner of the eye. Lightly wring out the napkin so that the solution hits the conjunctiva. Repeat the procedure each time with a new napkin, until you completely clear each eye of the discharge. In the end, wipe your eyes dry and clean with fleece.