Aquarium piranhas

Perhaps only one shark can compete with them by the number of legends and stories in which these fish are mentioned. Therefore, many aquarists, when this opportunity arose, immediately flared up with the idea of ​​keeping such formidable and famous creatures at home. How true are all these terrible stories about their cruel temper, and is it so difficult to keep aquarium fish piranhas?

Types of Aquarium Piranhas

Let's name those kinds which are most widespread among fans:

  1. Slender piranha (piranha-pike) ;
  2. Dwarf piranha ;
  3. Lunar metinnis ;
  4. Ordinary metinnis ;
  5. Flag piranha ;
  6. Red paku ;
  7. Red-Flaming Mile ;
  8. Red piranha .

Aquarium piranhas - content

Outwardly, it is not very similar to a terrible and formidable predator, but sharp teeth can painfully tug an incautious aquarist. In captivity they live from four to fifteen years. Buy one aquarium better than individuals of one type and size. It is good, if it will be a flock of ten individuals. Terrible predators can be frightened of tapping, splashing water or bright light. The temperature of the water should be kept about 26 degrees. Too large fluctuations in temperature act on them fatal. On average, 2.5 cm of an adult body needs up to eight liters of water . Piranhas feel comfortable in aquariums with dense vegetation and equipped with various decorative shelters.

What to feed aquarium piranhas?

For these predatory creatures, tadpoles, small fishes, frogs, thawed fish fillets, shrimps can become a perfect food. Meat piranhas better not to give, they say that then their color may fade. Sometimes for a change, they can offer sliced ​​green vegetables (spinach, raw potatoes, zucchini). Not all aquarium piranhas are so bloodthirsty, there is also a herbivorous view - a pack. It is similar to the others, but these creatures are deprived of terrible teeth and do not pose a danger. They are omnivorous and not very picky in the stern . Aquarium piranhas look beautiful in their glass house, they are not particularly difficult to maintain. Performing simple daily procedures, you can enjoy in a soft chair for their game, introducing themselves on the banks of the Amazon.