The vegan diet

You've probably heard that in addition to vegetarians, there are vegans . If the former simply refuse to eat all kinds of meat, the latter do not consume all products of animal origin - that is, in addition to meat, they do not eat eggs and milk. As a rule, the question of how to lose weight a vegan is not a problem. But ordinary people, accustomed to another diet, are not always able to withstand such a regime.

Vegan diet for weight loss: bans

As it is easy to guess, the menu of such a diet will be very limited, since besides standard products for vegans, the list of which is already limited, it also excludes too high-calorie foods. So, with this diet are prohibited:

Only such nutrition of vegans contributes to weight loss. While the diet contains a lot of sugars and fats, the body weight will remain the same.

The vegan diet: diet

For weight loss, the basis of the diet should be taken vegetables and fruits (5-6 servings per day), as well as whole-grain meals (3-4 servings per day), and only in third place - soy meat substitutes, nuts and legumes, e. natural protein (1-2 servings per day). Consider exemplary rations that take into account all requirements.

Option 1

  1. Breakfast - vegetable salad, oatmeal with fruit, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is any fruit.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup with beans and croup.
  4. Afternoon snack - fruit salad.
  5. Dinner - a portion of buckwheat with mushrooms, a salad of fresh vegetables.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast - barley porridge, fruit salad, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a vegetable salad (like vinaigrette).
  3. Lunch - pea soup-puree (half-porcion), rice with vegetables.
  4. Snack - any fruit.
  5. Dinner - a salad of Peking cabbage and grilled vegetables (or baked in slices in the oven), a piece of whole grain bread, a portion of boiled beans with tomato sauce.

If desired, you can add to the diet other salads for vegans, the main thing is to stick to this scheme and try to roughly observe the number of portions of each type of food. In this case, you can lose weight easily and quickly, and most importantly - without a boring and monotonous menu.