How to care for a parrot?

The content of a parrot in an apartment is not such a simple task as it might first seem. Every detail is important here, starting with the choice of cells and playgrounds, ending with the organization of the regime of the day and nutrition. So, how correctly to care for a parrot depending on its breed and what errors it is better not to commit? About this below.

Choice of cells and additional accessories

For a bird, the cage becomes a home in which she spends most of her life, so you need to take her seriously. Ideal is a rectangular cage with a flat top. Well, if it will be extended in length - so the bird will be more convenient to flit from the perch to the perch. It is better to reject a round-shaped cage, since the bird does not feel protected in it and loses its orientation in space. Not very convenient in the content will be a cell of an intricate design or with an elegant roof. It will be difficult to clean, and the perches are not very comfortable in it.

Now regarding the size of the cell. On one wavy parrot there are enough cells with the dimensions of 40x25x30 cm. For a couple of birds one should buy a larger "dwelling" with a size of 60x30x40 cm.

In addition to the cell, you need to pay attention to the organization of the internal space. The following points will be important here:

  1. The pallet . Very convenient in use is a plastic retractable pallet. It is easy to wash, it does not warp from moisture. To care for the pallets took a minimum of time, it should be covered with paper, sawdust, hygienic fillers or sand.
  2. Falls . Choose two thin wooden perches of different diameters. One is located directly under the ceiling (the bird likes to sleep at the highest place), and the friend a little laterally and closer to the middle.
  3. Toys . It can be bells, swings, sets of rings and even wooden parrots. Your pet will like to play with toys, and it will be interesting for you to observe it.

It is very important that the cage with the bird is not in rooms in which frequent changes of temperature occur and periodic drafts are observed. The microclimate of the room should be relatively stable, and the temperature should be from +18 to +25 °. The duration of the light day for a parrot is 15-16 hours. If it is short winter days, then you will need to turn on the light in the evening.

Feeding homemade parrots and care

So, what are the basic principles of parrot care and maintenance? The first and most important thing is a quality balanced diet. The birdie's diet can consist of the following products:

In doing so, remember that there are a number of products that give the bird is strictly prohibited. This includes meat, coffee, garlic, onion, black bread, parsley, dill, as well as fatty and fried foods.

As for water, it must be at room temperature and must be fresh. Ordinary tap water water is best not to drink.

Features of the content of the cockatelle

This species is one of the most popular, as it is rather unpretentious and easy to clean. So, how to care for the parrot parrot? Choose for him a large spacious cage. So, for a pair of birds the optimal cell will be 100x40x60. Feed the corella better than cereal mixtures with mineral supplements, as well as sliced ​​fruits and vegetables.