Celery root - useful properties

Hippocrates also mentioned the beneficial properties of root celery. This plant is just a health pantry! Celery - a very popular remedy today, because, in addition to the unique positive effect on the body, it also has excellent taste qualities.

Composition and useful properties

The plant of celery has useful properties due to the fact that it has:

Several centuries ago, the useful properties of root celery were not studied and for therapeutic purposes it was used only as a means to enhance potency. Over time, the roots were used as a substitute for table salt, because they contain a large amount of organic sodium, and as a cure for fatigue and stress. But this is only a small fraction of the useful properties of celery root.

The use of this part of this plant helps to improve the secretion of gastric juice and the normalization of water-salt metabolism in the body. It should be eaten by those who need to restore the liver and kidneys. Celery helps to cope with the inflammatory processes of the joints and with diseases of the genitourinary system.

If your eyesight has deteriorated, you should enter your diet of celery with honey, since its beneficial properties include the restoration of visual function. Also, using the decoction of the roots of this plant, they treat:

Cooking application

In addition to the fact that the celery root has so many useful properties and can supplement culinary recipes as a salt, it has a special flavor and flavor characteristics. Most often it is used as a spicy seasoning in the preparation of meat, fish and vegetables. The root of this plant is best combined with legumes, eggplants, potatoes and carrots. But, in addition, it differs bitter taste, which allows you to complement and make it brighter with its help the taste of mushrooms, soups, sauces, broths.

Also useful properties of celery for women and men are also in the fact that it is a product with a negative calorie content. In 100 grams of this plant contains only 25 calories and the body uses more energy to digest it than it gets, which allows it to be used in cooking dishes for weight loss. In addition, from its use, the feeling of hunger is naturally muted. This is an invaluable assistant for those who want to make their figure perfect.

Celery improves the digestion of food, so after eating a meal containing its root, you will never experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Contraindications to the use of celery

If you care about your health, then use the useful properties of celery, but remember that he has contraindications. For example, from its use in the treatment of various ailments should be refrained to future mothers after a 6-month gestation period. Also, one should not eat and apply all drugs containing the root of this plant to women breastfeeding, as it negatively affects the production of milk.

With great care, you need to prepare dishes according to recipes, in which there is a root celery, despite its useful properties, people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.