Heat in dogs

Do you have a puppy girl at home, and you do not know how to behave when the baby begins to turn into an adult woman? Then this story is for you.

Age of sexual maturity depends on the breed. The first estrus in large dogs corresponds to twelve to eighteen months. But if they suffer from an overabundance of body weight or other problems, they flow not twice a year, as expected, but with increased intervals up to nine to eleven months.

The estrus in small dogs begins at six to eight months. The interval between the estrus is the same as in large rocks. But there are some deviations, and this is not always due to a malfunctioning of the body. Sometimes this is the result of heredity. Therefore, when acquiring an animal, be sure to find out everything about the pet's mother.

Dog behavior during heat

But how do you know that your four-legged girlfriend has estrus? The first sign can serve as an increase in appetite. The changes of the external genital organs also accompany: a loop is swelling. The girl often starts to run to the toilet in a small way - a kind of way to mark the territory. In behavior, too, there are deviations. The dog becomes more aggressive towards other representatives of the canine family. Refuses to obey his master or is capricious. Such changes are inherent even in the most affluent individuals.

On the ninth - the seventeenth day, and in particularly large breeds on the twenty-first, the discharge becomes lighter, and sometimes passes at all. And if you touch the tail closer to the tail, the animal stops, pulls the tail to the side, lifts the pelvis, and on the back passes a convulsive wave.

During the estrus, it is advisable to walk the pantomime on a leash and, if you do not plan to start offspring or your dog is too young for this, do not allow "communication" with the males. Do not allow an animal to enter waterways, as it can catch an infection. And in order to not clean up every time the traces in the house, try to put on the female special panties. Although not every girl will allow this to happen with her - any unauthorized touch to the loop will act on her annoyingly.

How many days does the estrus have in dogs?

The first drops of blood indicate that the estrus has begun. It can last from twenty-one to twenty-eight days. And the sexual cycle is divided into four parts: m

1. Proestrus - lasts seven to nine days. During this period the dog actively flirts with males and aggressively perceives other females.

2. Estrus is also called sexual hunting or gon. In these days (4-12 days) the girl admits representatives of the opposite sex for mating.

3. Metastrus lasts up to one hundred and five days. Bloody discharge pass. It is important to know that if it was the first estrus, the nipples of the animal swell, and the thorax increases somewhat. But during this period the females are avoiding the males.

In rare cases, a false pregnancy occurs.

Anestrus is a period of rest. The dog calms down, returns to the usual way of life.

Prolonged estrus in dogs

Prolonged estrus or etiopathogenesis is characterized by a violation of one of the phases of the sexual cycle - proestrus or estrus. Characteristic features are prolonged heat, prolonged sexual desire, skin damage or discharge of milk - pseudolactation. More often it occurs in poodles and boxers.

Heat in dogs after delivery

Usually, after the birth , four months pass before the dog can begin estrus. But if your girl became a mother-heroine, then it may take up to six months to restore the cycle.