Arthritis of the shoulder joint

Arthritis of the shoulder joint is a common disease. It affects the humerus and / or acromioclavicular joint. This type of arthritis causes pain and discomfort with the slightest movements of the hand. But to remove the pain and get rid of the disease can be quite easy.

Types of arthritis of the shoulder joint

Both shoulder joints are susceptible to several forms of arthritis:

  1. Post-traumatic arthritis of the shoulder joint. An ailment developing after an injury, it can be both an ordinary displacement, and a large crack. Also, this arthritis can appear after the rupture of the rotational muscle.
  2. Osteoarthritis. The causes of such arthritis of the shoulder joint are aging or severe wear of tissues. As a result of the degenerative process, the smooth outer surface of the bone is destroyed. Most often, osteoarthritis develops in people older than 50 years. Basically, it affects the acromioclavicular joint.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis . This is a serious inflammatory process of a systemic nature. It is characterized by a symmetrical lesion of different joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can be detected at any age.

In rare cases, purulent arthritis of the shoulder joint may also occur. This is an inflammation that is the result of open infected lesions or infection from purulent foci near the joint.

Symptoms of arthritis of the shoulder joint

The very first symptom of arthritis of the shoulder joint is pain. Painful sensations often increase during different activities and in the course of time are always aggravated. If the shovel-thoracic humerus is damaged, the pain is mainly localized in the back of the shoulder.

Pain sensations in the acromioclavicular shoulder joint always center in the anterior region. If two joints are affected, then pain is always present in both areas.

Other signs of arthritis affecting the shoulder joint are:

Treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint

Treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint should be comprehensive. It consists of physiotherapy procedures, as well as performing various exercises. First of all, in order to cure arthritis, the patient needs to change his way of life and abandon movements that cause severe pain, and more often and longer rest.

Very effective methods of treatment of this ailment are laser treatment, cryotherapy and therapeutic massage. But the most important thing that you need to do with arthritis of the shoulder joint is to perform special gymnastics. Only this will help to build up a little muscle mass around the joint, which will nourish and protect it. Gymnastic complex should be selected only by the attending physician.

In order to cure arthritis of the shoulder joint as soon as possible, you should regularly eat nutritional supplements. In general, these are sulfates of chondroitin and aminoglucose.

If gymnastics and medications do not help, treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint should include surgery. AT During the operation, complete arthroplasty (replacement of the entire joint with a prosthesis) or hemiarthroplasty (replacement of humerus part) is performed.

If the acromioclavicular joint is affected, the resection method is most often used: a small part of the bone is removed from the edge of the clavicle, and the cavity is then filled with scar tissue.

Before treating arthritis of the shoulder joint with the help of surgery, it is necessary to drink a course of drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.