Vitiligo - Causes

Vitiligo (leukopathy, piebald skin, pes) is a rare and poorly understood skin disease, the causes of which have not been fully revealed to date. The disease can occur at any age and consists in the appearance on the skin of pigmentless areas. Skin discoloration can occur on any part of the body, as a rule, have clearly defined edges. At the same time, the skin does not peel off, does not become inflamed, and does not differ from the normal color in anything other than lack of color. On the soles, palms and mucous vitiligo does not appear. Physical discomfort does not cause the disease and does not threaten life, and the main inconvenience to those affected by vitiligo creates a cosmetic defect.

Causes of Vitiligo

Skin discoloration is associated with the disappearance of natural pigment melanin in some of its areas. The reasons for the disappearance of the pigment and the appearance of vitiligo are not unequivocally established, but it is assumed that a number of factors can contribute to this:

  1. Disruption of the endocrine system. In the first place among the causes of vitiligo, note thyroid disease. Also, the violation of pigmentation can be caused by abnormalities of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads.
  2. Mental trauma and stress. According to doctors, psychological causes play a significant role in the appearance of vitiligo, as stress can provoke disruption of the internal organs, and a depressive state - aggravate the disease.
  3. Failures in the work of the autonomic nervous system, consisting in the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic part of it over the parasympathetic.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. Uniquely, the heritability of vitiligo has not been established, but, according to statistics, among those who fell ill, a large percentage of those who already had cases of this disease in the family.
  6. Postponed infectious diseases.
  7. Intoxication, exposure to the skin of aggressive chemicals. If the disease is caused by poisoning, it can go on independently after a while, after removing harmful substances from the body.
  8. Deficiency of some vitamins and microelements, in particular - lack of copper.
  9. Intensive exposure to ultraviolet light. This factor has not been unequivocally proven, but in cases of intense sunburn and women who often visit the solarium, cases of vitiligo are frequent.

Treatment of vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic disease, which is extremely difficult to treat, and there is no single scheme for fighting it. This is due to the fact that it is problematic to establish the causes of vitiligo unambiguously, and therefore treatment is usually carried out in a complex manner.

First of all, a survey is conducted to identify possible causes of the disease and take measures to eliminate them.

Virtually always in the course of treatment includes the intake of vitamins and minerals (primarily vitamin C and copper preparations), as well as immunomodulating drugs (tincture of echinacea, immunal). In addition, a significant number of patients have a positive effect on the course of taking corticosteroid hormones.

Directly to combat depigmentation of the skin using the method of photochemotherapy. Using this method, the patient is given drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet, after which irradiation of the affected areas with ultraviolet rays. The long-wave ultraviolet irradiation is considered to be the most effective. The method is contraindicated:

Also, for irradiation after taking drugs, a helium-neon laser can be used, the irradiation of which has a smaller number of contraindications.

Treatment is lengthy and requires repeated administration.

Another method of treating vitiligo is surgical, it consists in transplanting individual skin areas.