Joaquin Phoenix talked about his attitude to photo sessions and work on the latest films

Interview magazine published a conversation between actor, musician and producer Joaquin Phoenix with comedian Will Ferrell, as an illustration to this material, the editorial staff used Eddie Sliman's photographs.

The first question was connected with the press conference for the premiere of the film "Do not worry, he will not go far on foot". In this film, Phoenix got the lead role. The actor behaved quite unpredictably - at first he turned away from the journalists, and then turned his back to them at all. Here's how he explained his behavior:

"The point here is not specifically in these journalists, but that any press conferences seem to me a very strange pastime. Journalists often reproach me for being too serious, and some of their colleagues are not happy that I answer openly without picking up words. In such cases, I feel uncomfortable and completely immersed in myself. "

To Will Ferrell's question, is it true that the actor rode down the street in a wheelchair for the role in the movie "Do not worry, he does not go far on foot," or he was replaced in the shot by a stuntman. The phoenix replied that he really was in the carriage, that's just the road , on which he moved, was covered with a special artificial cement:

"As always in the film industry."

Special relationship with animals and secrets of privacy

It turned out that Joaquin Phoenix has two dogs, one of which is his own, the second is his girlfriend Rooney Mara. According to the stars, at first the animals did not get along very well with each other, but eventually they found a common language. And now the actor and his beloved enjoy tranquil evenings in the company of domestic animals - such leisure is very pleasing to him.

But shooting in the movie "The Brothers Sisters" did not deliver Joaquin Phoenix special pleasure. The fact is that in this picture, which is yet to be rolled out, he was forced to work with horses. The actor does not possess the skills of riding, and the necessity to discomfort the animals was extremely embarrassing:

"In the frame, I had to deal with two horses, but there was another animal - for tricks. It was very painful to look at her suffering, as her muscles kept straining. I did not like this part of the work on the film, and I was very sorry that I had to ride. I literally physically felt discomfort when I had to saddle my horses. I was haunted by the feeling that it's too hard for me to carry them on my back, and they do not want to do it. "

Joaquin Phoenix told the interviewer that he does not have an account in any social network and he is not interested in watching football or any other sporting events.

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Photoshoots as a challenge

Participate in photo shoots Phoenix also does not particularly like, the actor is sure that it looks unnatural in the pictures. In his opinion, participation in a photo session can be compared to shooting in a reality show:

"Suppose you are a participant in a reality show and you have a date on the script. You see a person for the first time and want to talk with him, make an impression. But instead of a full-fledged communication, you get a tense dialogue, because you always think about how you look. Also under the "sight" of the camera. I'm thinking about how to show myself in the best possible light and, in the end, I feel uncomfortable. "