Sulsen Shampoo

Oily hair and dandruff are common problems that face both men and women. In addition, that all this "good" looks, to put it mildly, not quite aesthetically, so it also brings a lot of discomfort. Sometimes even the most expensive shampoos, balms and hair masks are powerless.

But even in this case, despair is not worth it, because there is Sulsen shampoo. You could meet this drug in the pharmacy. And I must say, in vain did not pay attention to him before. In this article, we will tell you what kind of tool it is, and how it affects the health of the hair.

Sulsen Shampoo - composition and principle of action

The main active ingredient that is part of the shampoo is selenium disulphide. Dandruff appears due to a special yeast fungus. A selenium disulphide is just capable of stopping the development of this fungus.

Due to selenium disulphide, Sulsen's shampoo can also prevent the occurrence of dandruff in the future and is even able to reduce the amount of fat excreted by the scalp (the main reason for fatting hair).

The principle of action of shampoo from dandruff Sulsen is simple: the particles of disulphide of selenium that form part of the body attach to the fungus, after which it can not reproduce. And due to the fact that the active elements are securely attached to the scalp, they remain even after the shampoo is washed off and continue to act for a long time.

Sulsen's therapeutic shampoo for dandruff

Those who have already experienced the entire line of Sulsen's products (except for shampoo, there is also a special paste, peeling , soap), unanimously declare that this is a real panacea. Sulsen's shampoo not only cures dandruff, but also significantly improves the condition of the hair. After the first few procedures, you can notice that the hair has become stronger, thicker, healthier and more obedient.

The formula for shampoo from Sulsen's dandruff is chosen so accurately and in a balanced way that, after using it, painfully unpleasant itching and possible irritations are eliminated, which in most cases accompany seborrhea (an alternative name for dandruff).

If you are familiar with pasta Sulsen, you should be aware of the unpleasant odor that remains on the hair after its use. We hasten to reassure you: unlike the paste, Sulsen's shampoo helps against hair loss, is effective against dandruff, while still having a pleasant scent. So you can treat this tool with pleasure.


The special shampoo-peeling, in addition to selenium disulphide, includes special polyethylene pellets with the properties of deep peeling, which allow creating a massage effect.

The main advantages that Sulsen's shampoo-peeling can boast are as follows:

  1. Effective cleaning and renewal of scalp. Soothing itching.
  2. Peeling is much better than other products to remove sticky dandruff. For a couple of procedures from the difficult parts of the epidermis and the trace will not remain.
  3. After applying Sulcene shampoo-peeling improves blood circulation, and noticeably strengthens the roots of hair.
  4. One of the main advantages is the reduction of sebum, and accordingly, the hair retains its presentable appearance longer.
  5. Like the usual Sulsen shampoo, peeling affects the fungus that causes dandruff .

The greatest benefit from using both shampoo and peeling can be obtained by applying in parallel and other means from this series.

In general, Sulsen is considered a safe shampoo, but he has his own contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Another contraindication is the individual intolerance of the components of the shampoo.