Decorative Kalanchoe

The genus Kalanchoe has a wide variety of species. The florists love the decorative Kalanchoe, strewn with small, but spectacular flowers. They are found in various colors - pink, yellow, purple, red. So, we will talk about caring for Kalanchoe decorative at home.

Decorative Kalanchoe - features of cultivation

This beautiful houseplant belongs to succulents, so care for it is appropriate. It is recommended to place a decorative Kalanchoe in a penumbra or a well-lit place, for example, on the eastern window or the western one. In the shade, the flower stretches out and loses a beautiful bush shape.

Water the Kalanchoe abundantly, but, true, infrequently. Excessive moisturizing is fraught with plant death. Focus on the drying of the earthy coma.

It is important for calanchoe decorative pruning. It is this that makes it possible to form a compact rounded shape of the bush. As soon as the shoots of the flower begin to grow, they pinch off the top two leaves. In their place, shoots will appear. When the last three pairs of leaves appear, pinch. Repeat the procedure until the plant has taken the desired shape.

Top dressing of the flower Kalanchoe decorative is produced once a month, using a universal fertilizer for succulents . Fertilizers are introduced in the warm season until August, in winter there is no need for additional fertilizing.

Plant transplantation is performed annually, in the spring, preferably at the end of March. By the way, for kalanchoe is suitable land for cacti.

A decorative Kalanchoe does not blossom, what should I do?

Usually, with proper care, the plant blooms on its own. If again and again this does not happen, then move the pot from the Kalanchoe to the dark window sill and do not water it for a month. Then return to a well-lit place and start watering again.