Baby cream

The concept of "baby cream" is quite wide. This term refers to almost all of the skin care creams of a child. The main feature of a baby cream is that it contains only natural ingredients that are not capable of harming a child's delicate skin in any way.

The use of children's cream began in the distant past. Our ancestors prepared this remedy for the baby's skin, using vegetable and animal oils, as well as aromatic additives. At the heart of the modern baby cream are several types of fats, water and bioactive additives. Soft composition and high efficiency made children's cream popular among adults. With the help of this tool, many women of the fair sex successfully get rid of multiple problems. The use of children's cream for adults can moisturize the skin, soften it, tighten and relieve inflammation. So, for what you can use a baby cream:

  1. Children's face cream. Children's cream, which includes an extract of chamomile, glycerin and various vitamins perfectly moisturizes the skin of an adult. The use of children's face cream for adults, in addition to moisturizing, protects the skin from negative external influences - cold, wind, ultraviolet rays. If you regularly brush your face with a baby cream - it provides excellent care for dry and sensitive skin.
  2. Baby cream from stretch marks. The effectiveness of this remedy is based on the fact that the baby cream moisturizes the skin and prevents moisture loss. During pregnancy or after a sharp change in weight, the skin stretches and loses its elasticity. Children's cream allows the skin to stay hydrated, which makes it more elastic. And this, in turn, allows you to get rid of stretch marks or make them less noticeable. An excellent remedy for stretch marks is a baby cream and a mummy. Recipe for preparation: 1 tube of baby cream should be mixed with 4 grams of mummy dissolved in water. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the problem areas of the skin. Keep baby cream and mummy in the fridge. This remedy is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers.
  3. Children's cream for acne. Baby cream is one of the most common folk remedies for acne treatment. Children's cream does not contain any harmful chemical components and has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. And this is exactly what the problem skin needs. To enhance the effect in children's cream, you can add eucalyptus and calendula oil. Baby cream helps with acne if used daily for several weeks.
  4. Baby hair cream. The composition of the baby cream includes various natural oils and vitamins. The same components are found in expensive masks and hair shampoos. In order not to overpay, many representatives of the fair sex use children's cream as a hair mask. Children's cream is recommended to apply to damp hair for half an hour before washing your head. Also, there is a huge number of folk recipes for masks with a children's hair cream.
  5. Baby cream in the solarium. Children's cream provides high protection against ultraviolet rays and helps to protect your skin from burns.

You can find out more about the use of children's cream for adults on the forum of our site, in the sections devoted to pregnancy and childbirth, beauty and health. Since it is there that most of the fair sex respondents answer positively to the question "Can I use baby cream?" .