How to overcome a dream?

On the nose an important report, and the figures, as if by agreement, begin to dance before your eyes, the eyelids tend to close down, and the brain insistently asks for rest. Surely, everyone faced this situation. The worst thing is that you have to overcome sleep at work just at the moment when there is no time for rest. What to do in this case, if you go on about the tired body can not, how to regain its vitality for a few more hours? An obvious solution is the use of coffee and energy drinks. However, they will help only if you do not consume them all the time, in addition, only the first cup of coffee (energy bank) will be effective, all subsequent will not have the desired effect. The harm of absorbing a large volume of such beverages is not worth talking about, so we'll look for more sparing ways to overcome sleep and cope with drowsiness.

How to overcome sleep at work?

  1. Keep on hand a sour candy or fruit rich in vitamin C , which is able to quickly give you cheerfulness.
  2. If you work at home and think how to overcome sleep at night, then the shower will be a great way. And it's not at all necessary to portray yourself as a walrus, and climb under the icy water. Elastic warm jets can drive drowsiness no worse. The main thing, stay under it for no more than 5 minutes (otherwise you will want to sleep with more force) and direct the shower to the top of your back to warm up the collar zone. If you need to drive the sleep in an office environment, then warm up your palms - hold them under hot water for about five minutes or energetically break your fingers.
  3. In a great way, how to overcome sleep, especially at night, is the inclusion of bright light. The fact is that darkness contributes to the development of a "sleepy" hormone, which provokes us to go to the world of Morpheus. By turning on the fluorescent lights and pulling the curtains aside, you can help yourself to get rid of sleepiness.
  4. Sometimes no way to drive sleep is not obtained? Then you need to give the body what he wants - rest. Only on a full-fledged dream do not count, take a nap for 5-15 minutes. Such a break will help you stay workable for about 4 hours.

All these tools can help to cope with unexpectedly overwhelmed sleepiness, but if it persecutes you constantly, you should think about your way of life. Perhaps you are lacking vitamins, lack of water or constantly refuse to yourself a normal rest. The reason is, you will forget about chronic drowsiness, and you will need unless in a cup of coffee in the morning for lifting the mood.