Solcoseryl in cosmetology

Cosmetic means are most often aimed at disguising the problem, they are very rarely able to completely eliminate it. That's why in the field of skin care medicines show themselves much more effective. You can use a specialized face cream, but sometimes pharmacy drugs are much more useful. For example, Solcoseryl in cosmetology is used on a par with such means of rejuvenation as injections of hyaluronic acid and botox. The price of this medication, meanwhile, is much lower than that of salon procedures.

The objectives of Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology

Ointment Solcoseryl in cosmetology has only recently been applied, before that the medical product was used to treat decubitus and skin and tissue diseases caused by circulatory disorders. This is a kind of activator of local metabolism, working at the expense of high content in the deproteinized blood extract of calves and amino acids. Here are the main properties of Solcoseryl ointment and gel:

This makes it possible to use Solcoseryl in cosmetology against wrinkles and to improve the complexion. The mask with Solcoseryl is the best for these purposes.

Solcoseryl gel in cosmetology has found wider application - with its help it is possible to soften the coarsened skin of elbows and heels, to cope with dry calluses .

How to make a face mask with Solcoseryl?

If the gel is used in its pure form, then it is better to combine the ointment with other active ingredients so that the therapeutic effect is even more pronounced. Many recommend combining the use of Solcoseryl with Dimexide , this drug increases the penetration of drugs into the deep layers of the dermis. We do not recommend Dimexide because it can cause chemical burns. Here is a recipe for a mask that is guaranteed to do no harm:

  1. Mix 0.5 cm of Solcoseryl with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 20 drops of aloe juice.
  2. Apply on face, leave mixture until completely dry.
  3. Sprinkle with thermal water, or mineral water, massage, wait 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.

This remedy will help rejuvenate the skin of the face, make it fresh and velvety. Those who suffer from acne and pigment spots Solcoseryl also come in handy.