Female vagina

The female vagina is an elastic channel that connects the uterus to the vulva. The size of this body, as a rule, is individual and most women differ somewhat. Let's take a closer look at the structure of the female vagina, its location, and focus on the dimensions.

What is the structure of the vagina?

This body, in fact, is a kind of space of cylindrical shape, surrounded on all sides by muscles. The walls of the vagina consist of 3 layers:

  1. The inner layer is represented by the mucosa. Above it is lined with a multilayer flat epithelium, forming a large number of folds. It is due to them and there is a change in the size of the female vagina during sexual intercourse, as well as in the process of childbirth.
  2. The middle layer is represented by smooth muscle musculature. The bundles of muscle fibers of this tissue are located mainly in the longitudinal direction. In the upper part, they join, form the musculature of the uterus, and from the bottom - directly weave into the muscle fibers located in the female perineum.
  3. The third, outer layer of the vagina, is represented by the adventitial muscular and elastic fibers that are in the connective tissue (the basis of the outer layer).

In the anatomy of the female vagina, it is customary to distinguish the anterior and posterior walls that connect with each other. So, with their upper edge they cover part of the uterine neck, secreting the vaginal part and thus forming the so-called vaginal vault. The lower end of the walls opens on the eve of the vagina. In virgins, this hole covers the hymen.

The vagina and its walls are normally pale pink. As a rule, during the period of bearing the baby, in view of the fact that the number of blood vessels in this area increases, the color may become darker and often acquire a bluish tinge.

It is also necessary to say that the walls of the vagina along with the cervix are constantly in a wet state. The thing is that they are lined with glands that produce the so-called cervical mucus. It is it that prevents the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and their penetration into the reproductive system. The volume of these secretions is small and, as a rule, if a woman is worried about the constant appearance of a large amount of mucus, which often can acquire a reddish shade when infringements, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What are the sizes of the middle vagina?

After understanding what the female vagina looks like, let's consider its main characteristics.

First of all it is necessary to say that one of the main parameters is the length. Depending on this factor, it is conventionally allocated the following types of female vaginas:

It should be noted that this characteristic can vary depending on the situation. So, for example, during sexual arousal during intimate contact, the length of the female vagina can reach 19 cm! Everything depends on the size of the partner's penis.

Many women experience certain complexes, thinking that making love to them does not bring a partner the proper pleasure. Especially often these thoughts are visited by young mothers who have recently given birth to a baby.

In fact, there are no significant changes with the female vagina after the birth of the child, and its depth remains the same. There is only a slight smoothing of his folds, which can later change the sensations in men when they have sex.