Biotoilet for the home - the principle of work

Everyone already probably knows the word "bio-toilet", but few know exactly how it works, and whether it is suitable for any home. This material will allow you to familiarize yourself with the device of this device. So, let's find out what a biotoilet is for a house, and what is its working principle.

General information

Regardless of the shape and size, most biotours have the same operating principle. They provide a drain tank, which must be filled with water. In order to wash it off, it is necessary to use a pump that pumps water into the toilet. After draining, feces fall into a special tank, where they are processed by bacteria or chemical preparations. After the introduction of feces into reaction with bacteria or chemistry, which is filled up in the bio-toilet, gassing stops, a characteristic unpleasant odor disappears. After completion of the reaction, everything in the tank becomes homogeneous, and the smell begins to resemble "pharmacy". After filling the tank it must be poured into a cesspool. By and large, the biotoilet only solves the problem with the odor and aesthetics of the waste, and the recycled mass of excrement remains. Depending on the model, the tank of the biotoilet can have a capacity of 11, 14 or 21 liters. After emptying and rinsing the tank, it is again necessary to add a certain dose of chemical or biological reagent.

Bacteria or chemistry?

Before buying a dry closet, you will have to consider how you will recycle or dispose of waste. For those models that recycle waste with bacteria, the yield is fairly simple. After using the toilet is no longer possible due to the filled tank, its contents can be used as biofertilizer. Recycled waste can be immediately sent to beds as fertilizers. But the waste from the biotoilets with the device, whose principle of operation includes the processing of feces with the help of chemistry, should not be thrown out to your site. Of course, manufacturers of reagent data promise their environmental friendliness and safety, but it is better to take waste away from home. Before you start using the chemical toilet, find a place where you can take out the waste. Pouring them into a cesspool is inadmissible, because chemistry can easily seep into groundwater.

In the event that the biotoilets with tanks do not suit you, you can consider their alternatives.

Alternative types of biotoilets

If the biotoilets with tanks look like ordinary toilet bowls with a square base, the models presented in this section have a slightly different design.

A fairly good version of the biotoilet now offers Sweden. It does not require water, peat, biological or chemical reagents. This unit is able to pack wastes of vital activity in hermetically sealed packaging from the film. This film has a special composition, through which it decomposes in the soil without a trace in about a month.

The next option worthy of attention is a composting bio-toilet . This device simply turns feces into compost . An unpleasant odor from such a toilet is removed through the pipe using the built-in ventilation system. Usually toilets of this type are equipped with a system for mixing the compost mass, it can be mechanical (driven by a rotating lever) or have an electric drive.

We hope that this material will help you decide on the choice of a bio-toilet that will suit you the best way.