Capillary winemaker

Such a drink as wine , enjoys incredible popularity, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many make it for their own needs. The strength of the drink affects a variety of factors - the density, the amount of sugar and others. But to find out the specific content of alcohol in it, a capillary winemaker is used.

What is it like?

Capillary winemaker 0-25% allows you to measure the concentration of alcohol in dry wines. The most accurate measurements it gives when working with a white drink, the strength of which varies from 8 to 13%. If measurements by this device are made with strong or sweet wine, then the error will be 1-4% and the dependence on the volume of sugar. To obtain more accurate indicators it is recommended to dilute the drink with water in equal proportions, and after the measurement, multiply the result by 2.

The capillary wine maker produced in Italy has the appearance of a glass bulb, one end of which is narrow and ends with a small hole, and the other looks like a funnel into which to pour a drink. Along the entire narrow end, there are measured divisions, which serve to determine the strength of the wine.

How to use a capillary wine maker?

Instructions for using a capillary winemaker:

  1. Fill the funnel with a drink about half.
  2. Wait until it seeps down the capillary and begins to drip from the opposite hole.
  3. After waiting a few drops, turn the device and place it on a flat and smooth surface with a funnel down.
  4. At the same time a small puddle is formed under the appliance from the part of the wine, but this is normal and should not cause concern.
  5. The rest of the drink and will determine its strength. The readings on the instrument, opposite which the lower meniscus of the liquid will stop, should be taken into account when determining alcoholic degrees.

A capillary device is not the only device that allows you to determine the strength of a wine. A device such as a hydrometer determines the amount of alcohol by the density of the drink. There is also a refractometric method that allows you to determine the amount of sugar in a drink, and only after that count the strength of the wine. All this makes it possible to control the manufacturing process at all its stages and, if desired or necessary, to make changes to it. Thus, we can conclude that all these devices are indispensable for both professional winemakers and amateurs.