Bird of cloth with their own hands

This master class is useful to those who are wondering how to sew a bird from the fabric with their own hands. The process of creating a craft is so simple that even a preschooler will be carried away. So, pick up the fabric, filler (sintepon or holofayber), threads, needle, scissors, and proceed. With regard to the choice of fabric, it is necessary to select it so that the color of the wings of the bird contrasts with the color of its body. Such an article will look more vivid and effective.

  1. Create a craft in the form of a bird from the fabric, let's start by cutting out the wings of a suitable shape. It can be made of cardboard. Draw a wing on the cardboard, and then attach to the fabric and circle around the contour. After that, cut the same piece of fabric, but with a small allowance. To simplify work and keep the shape of the wing, sweep the fabric away without removing the cardboard. Delete it after you finish. Similarly, sew the second winglet.
  2. Next, we begin to create patterns from the body tissue of the bird. To do this, we first draw the figure on the cardboard, and then transfer it to the fabric and cut it out. We need two such details.
  3. The next step is the assembly and stitching of the parts. First, sew the wings, then turn both parts inside out, connect and sew. Excess fabric near the seam cut so that the seam is not streaked. Do not forget to leave a few centimeters unclean to turn the toy on the front side.
  4. It's time to give the hand-made volume. To do this, through a hole left unshielded on the side seam fill the bird with cotton, holofayber or sintepon. To push the filler into bottlenecks (corners on the wings, the beak), use a wooden skewer or knitting needle. After the work is completed, sew a hole with a hidden seam.
  5. It remains to make the bird's eyes. A great way is a French knot. To do this, thread the needle through the fabric layer and, without stretching it to the end, make several turns of thread (three to four). Then pull the needle to pull the thread into the nail. If the size of the eye appears to be too small, repeat the operation again. Similarly, embroider the second eye. Now the bird from the fabric that you sewed with your own hands is ready.

As you can see, making a bird out of cloth is not difficult. Such an article can be used not only as a safe toy for the baby, but for the decor of the room. Experiment!

Beautiful birds can also be sewn from felt .