Fibrooadenomatosis of the breast - what is it?

Quite often, women, after hearing from the doctor the diagnosis of "fibroadenomatosis of the breast", have no idea what it is. Let's look at the violation in detail, highlight its main symptoms, tell about the clinical manifestations and features of treatment.

What forms of the disease are usually given?

To begin with, it must be said that this disorder is characterized by the formation of nodules in the chest, which may have a different size. In this case, the woman is concerned about the stitching pains in the chest that appear before menstrual flow. In addition, there is an increase in regional lymph nodes, swelling and chest tightening.

When a woman hears from a doctor the diagnosis of fibro-adenomatosis of both mammary glands, it means that both breasts have undergone the disease. At the same time, it is customary to identify various forms of violations, among which:

  1. Localized fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a violation, which indicates that the seals have a denser structure, clear boundaries. In this case, there is no spread to other tissues, i.e. affects exclusively glandular. When palpation, a woman experiences pain. Education is defined fairly clearly. As a result, the skin shows a so-called tuberosity, which is uneven. This symptom is one of the first that a woman pays attention to.
  2. Diffuse form. With this type of violation, the lesions are widespread, they occur throughout the gland. In this case, the formation is found in both glands. When performing palpation, the doctor determines a large number of nodules that have a non-uniform structure, granularity. Usually, painless.
  3. Cystic form. Characterized by the formation of a large number of multi-chamber cysts. At the same time, they all have a clear contour, are located singly, and can be grouped together.
  4. Focal fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary gland is a disease that indicates that the glandular tissue is replaced by a fibrous tissue. In the chest, the foci of compaction are determined. Painful sensations are not always present.
  5. Mixed fibroadenomatosis of the breast, is a disease that often turns into cancer. In such cases, changes affect not only the glandular tissue of the breast, but also the connective tissue.

Any of these forms of fibroadenomatosis requires careful diagnosis, if necessary, biopsy.

Because of what is the disease developing?

All forms suggest a violation of the hormonal background in women. In turn, this can be due to:

It is worth noting that often fibroadenomatosis occurs in the menopausal period, tk. this time is characterized by extinction of the reproductive function, a decrease in the level of sex hormones, which actually causes a malfunction.

It is necessary to say that in some cases fibroadenomatosis can be caused by a violation of liver function. After all, this particular body is responsible for the removal of decay products from the body.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are many causes of fibroadenomatosis. That is why the main task of doctors is to determine exactly what caused the violation in a particular case.