Violet - care at home, the basic rules of growing on the windowsill

One of the most popular indoor plants is violet, home care beyond which can not be called simple. The flower is one of capricious ones and can die from improper irrigation or diseases, therefore it needs careful selection of soil composition and irrigation system.

How to care for violets?

Relatively stable conditions of indoor climate are more suitable for this plant, the garden varieties of which are difficult to tolerate wintering. To grow violets, planting and care at home should consider the following aspects:

  1. Thermophilic. They do not tolerate drafts and temperature differences, which increases the possibility of infectious lesions of cuttings.
  2. Compact pot. The bigger it is, the longer it will take to create floral ovaries.
  3. Transfer. An important feature of home care for violets - once the earth is depleted, it needs to be transplanted.
  4. Sunlight. Instances with dark green shoots need more of it than those that have a light color.

Violets - winter care at home

In the cold season, any indoor flower is experiencing a deficit of light. The first sign of its lack - shoots begin to stretch and bend over the edges of the pot. Experienced housewives know how to care for violets in the winter on the windowsill:

  1. For abundant and prolonged flowering, the plant should receive light for 10-12 hours a day.
  2. On the western, eastern and southern window, they should be pritenyat, so that the leaves do not get burned.
  3. Successful growing in winter at home can be guaranteed with artificial lighting with 36-40W lamps.
  4. The optimal air temperature is 20-22 ° C - with the stem and root system formed strong and resistant to disease with proper care.

How to water the violets?

One of the most important factors for maintaining their health is literate watering . It must be carried out, observing regularity - a violation of the regime of moistening the soil threatens fungal lesions. How often to water a violet and how - a common question, the answer to which involves several recommendations:

  1. The flower does not tolerate the ingress of moisture on young leaves and the point of growth.
  2. In summer and in spring it is better to water better in the early morning, in winter and in autumn - in the afternoon.
  3. Direct watering is fatal - from it the root system as well as the violet itself suffer greatly. Care at home involves pallet or wick watering . The second method is based on the use of a cord, through which moisture enters the soil.

How to propagate a violet leaf at home?

Separation of cuttings is the simplest and most popular method possible. Reproduction of violets by leaf at home is advised to be carried out in the spring or summer. There are two ways to transfer the cuttings:

  1. Rooting the leaf in water. The cut off shoot is put in a sterilized container with boiled or settled water, so that the stalk was immersed in the liquid by about 2 cm. A piece of activated carbon is put in the water - this care of the leaf prevents the development of a pathogenic microflora. After about 2-3 weeks, rooting takes place. When the roots reach a length of 1-2 cm, the leaf is planted in an earthen mixture.
  2. Rooting in the substrate. If the violet poorly takes root in the water, the home conditions can be propagated at home through planting in pots with a soil mixture. Drainage is poured on the bottom of small tanks, on top of which it is possible to pour ground with perlite or moss sphagnum. The stalk should be buried 0.5 cm, but do not apply the primer. Fluorescent lamps can help to germinate.

How to transplant a violet?

There are several reasons why this procedure may be required. Among them: depletion of soil, the appearance of a white coating on it, plant diseases and excessive compaction of the root system. Transplanting violets is carried out in four stages:

  1. Preparation of nutrient substrate. The flower requires a complete replacement of the earth as a periodic, since the beneficial substances from it are washed out over time.
  2. Treatment of the plant before transplanting. The soil is moistened, the root system is extracted from it. You can cut the damaged parts of the roots, clean the rot and treat the cut with crushed charcoal, after disinfection at home.
  3. Transfer. On the layer of earth, straightened roots are set, the soil gradually podsypaetsya to the level of the neck. Instead of mulch, a layer of vermiculite is poured on top.
  4. Care after transplant. It is useful for a couple of days to place it under a plastic bag and abundant watering to provide increased humidity.

Ground for violets

To promote rapid rooting of cuttings and the appearance of flowers on an adult plant, the substrate must be selected correctly. The soil mixture should be light and consist of such components as:

  1. Nutritional soil. This is a sheet earth, collected under a birch or linden, mixed with turf, compost or biohumus. It facilitates the care of violets, due to the constant saturation of the root with valuable trace elements.
  2. Fillers. The soil has a weakly acidic ph, so its composition includes coniferous or peat soil for violets - its composition is suitable for strengthening the friability of the substrate.
  3. Holders of moisture. Perlite, dolomite flour, charcoal or expanded clay are needed to prevent the drying of the roots.

Why do not violet flowers?

Since the flower is considered whimsical, a number of factors can affect the number of buds. Decide what to do if the violets do not bloom, can only be an exception method, getting rid of each of the reasons:

  1. Incorrect lighting . If the leaves extend upwards, the pot must be rearranged to another window or use fluorescent lamps.
  2. Excess of additional fertilizing. Filled with nitrogen and potassium during the care of the plant, it puts all its strength into shaping not the flowers, but the appendages.
  3. Heavy soil. A gentle root system of violets can not breathe if it is in dense ground.
  4. Unsuitable pot. It should be made of plastic, because the clay versions are devoid of a system of holes for removing moisture.

Diseases of violets

The favorite plant of most florists is susceptible to pest attacks and fungal and viral damage. The treatment of violet diseases and their prevention depends on which group they belong to:

  1. Bronze and spotted viruses. The leaves become ugly, change shape and color - treatment is impossible, so the flower is destroyed.
  2. Fungi. Fusarium, powdery mildew, late blight damage the plant with spots and necrosis. The affected part is cut off, and the flower is treated with a fungicide.
  3. Rotting of leaves and roots. The petioles wilt, the leaves lose their elasticity and lose their natural color. Surviving leaf plates are transplanted into another pot: proper care of them at home will lead to the formation of a new root system.