Braces for children

Crooked teeth, an incorrect bite in the child - these are defects that often become a reason for ridicule. The child appears uncertainty in himself, he closes, constantly experiencing stress. But the aesthetics in this matter is only the tip of the iceberg. Because of a malocclusion, abnormal abrasion of hard dental tissues occurs, periodontium experiences constant overload, arises musculo-articular dysfunction. In addition, it is not possible to conduct proper oral hygiene. If you set aside medical terms, a person with an incorrect bite in the future will start to click the jaw, chewing muscles, head and neck will be ill all the time, there will be caries, periodontitis, gingivitis and even diseases of the digestive tract.


If at the next examination of the oral cavity of the child you notice the curvature of at least one tooth, immediately show the baby to the orthodontist. Children under the age of ten can be corrected by bites or trainers. They are effective if the deviations are minor. At the older age, doctors recommend braces for children, which are used with a fully formed bite. It is known that the installation of braces for children in adolescence gives the highest results. In addition, children's braces do not cause such painful sensations as systems for adults.

Before installing brackets, you should study all types of bracket systems that exist today. These are metal, ceramic (or plastic) and lingual braces. Give an exact answer to the question of how much time you need to wear braces, it is impossible, because it depends on the individual features of the jaw. It can be two or three months, and year.

It is important to know

If you have already decided when to put braces to your child, make sure that there are no inflammatory processes in his oral cavity. This concerns both possible caries and gum disease. Concerning the clinic, where it is better to put braces on the child, be guided by the opinion of doctors whom you trust. Remember, a high price is not an indicator of excellent quality.

And finally, it should be noted that parents should morally support a teenager who has braces installed. It will take a very short time, and instead of the crooked teeth that made you restrain a smile, your child will enjoy the world with all 32 beautiful and smooth teeth.