Serous meningitis in children

Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord. The inflammatory process is formed from the outside and does not damage the cells of the brain. But with this disease can seriously affect the health of the child.

Serous meningitis: causes of the disease

Specialists distinguish several types of this disease: fungal, viral and bacterial. Everything depends on the pathogen. In addition, there are two forms of percolation:

As a rule, serous meningitis in children occurs in a lighter form than purulent, and the consequences after it are minor. But this does not guarantee that without treatment and advice a competent specialist can do without.

The first symptoms of serous meningitis

The most important point is to diagnose the disease in time and start treating it. To track changes in the child's health, one should know the signs of inflammation. Consider what symptoms occur with serous meningitis.

  1. A sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees.
  2. The child becomes very sluggish and complains of a headache.
  3. There is pain in the muscles.
  4. The disease can occur with vomiting or diarrhea.
  5. A child may be restless (whimpering, whims or persistent sobs).
  6. In addition to diarrhea, the baby may complain of abdominal pain.
  7. Sometimes there is convulsions or delirium.

The listed signs can appear partially and already in couple of days the temperature falls down, and together with it also other signs of illness cease. During the week, all manifestations gradually end, which is the greatest threat. Often, parents take this condition for a cold. If after a supposed improvement the relapse begins, it's an excuse to immediately go to the laboratory to donate blood for analysis.

Treatment of serous meningitis in children

As a rule, when serous meningitis occurs in children, doctors give favorable predictions. There are cases when the patient is placed in a hospital. Treatment schedule and timing of recovery largely depend on the form of the course of the disease and the timeliness of the diagnosis.

In the treatment of serous meningitis, children almost always use vitamin therapy. Prescribe ascorbic acid, vitamins B2 and B6, cocarboxylase. Intravenously inject blood plasma and albumins for detoxification.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Also prescribed diuretics. This is necessary in order to prevent increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema. As an adjunct, oxygen therapy and, in some cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed.

Serous meningitis: consequences in children

Although in most cases, the forecasts are favorable, the risk of the disease does not decrease. If you do not diagnose on time or do not prescribe the right treatment, a child may develop partial or complete blindness and deafness, impaired speech apparatus, brain damage.

Sometimes the result of the disease may be a delay in psychomotor development, and in the most sad cases of coma or death. That is why the severity of the consequences of serous meningitis in children should be a strong incentive for parents to take preventive measures constantly. Accustom to a crumb to drink exclusively boiled water, all fruits and vegetables carefully to wash and shower with boiled water before the use. Explain to the child the importance of hand hygiene and healthy eating. Also, there are vaccinations against meningitis , which children also do.