Inoculation of ADSM

It is safe to say that every mom is familiar with the DTP vaccine , whose goal is to vaccinate a child from such dangerous diseases as whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. As a rule, it is rather difficult to bear by children, delivering to parents a few days of experiences and worries. Perhaps you've heard about the ADSD vaccine, which is somewhat reminiscent of the DTP name, but, nevertheless, differs from it. Namely, we will tell you about this.

Against what do ADMD vaccine?

If we talk about the decoding of the ADSM vaccination, then this abbreviation means diphtheria-tetanus purified tetrachloride, adsorbed with a reduced content of antigens, that is, ADS-M-anatoxin. In simpler terms, the vaccine is a compound of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, that is, substances specially treated that are excreted by pathogens. These toxins, getting into the body, do not cause a general toxic reaction, but lead to the appearance of immunological changes. Thus, after the introduction of the vaccination, specific antibodies are produced in the child's body, but there is no toxic effect. Moreover, the concentration of anatoxins in the ADSM vaccine is reduced in comparison with DTP. ADSM vaccination can be considered a variant of DTP, however, without a pertussis component. Most often it is used for revaccination of adults and children, the senior 6-year-old age, when the disease of whooping cough ceases to carry a mortal danger due to possible complications. By the way, usually ADSM-vaccine is used for revaccination of those people whose body is difficult to tolerate DTP. The children are usually vaccinated at the age of 7 and 14 years, and adults - every 10 years. It is used in cases where emergency immunization is needed for people who are in contact with diphtheria patients.

Features of vaccination of ADSM

The injection of ADDS is similar to DTP. Regarding where the vaccine is given to ADSM, usually children of preschool age are given an intramuscular injection in the anterolateral part of the thigh or in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. Adolescents and adults are allowed to insert grafts into the scapular area subcutaneously.

The consequences of vaccinating ADSM are similar to manifestations of DTP . The reaction to ADSM in children usually appears in the first two days after the injection. First of all, body temperature can rise. Redness, swelling and soreness of the injection site are also noted. Particularly dangerous is the possible emergence from ADAM vaccination of complications in children. These are various allergic reactions, among which the most serious can be anaphylactic shock after vaccine administration. Fortunately, such cases are rare. In addition, occasionally in children, critical body temperature increases - more than 40 ° C, convulsions associated with high fever, the appearance of collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure) are possible.

To avoid possible complications of ADSD vaccination in children or at least to minimize them, it is important to take into account several recommendations. Before the immediate introduction of the child's vaccine the pediatrician must necessarily examine it. He will measure the temperature of the body, study the mucous membranes, ask about the state of the child in previous days. Talk to your doctor about a suitable medicine that knocks down the temperature. After the injection, it is recommended to stay in the clinic for half an hour to observe the body's reaction. In the case of dangerous allergic manifestations, urgent assistance is easier to obtain here.

Contraindications for grafting ADSMS are acute and chronic diseases in the state of remission, conditions associated with impaired cerebral circulation, severe forms of allergic reactions to diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, immunodeficiency states.