How to cook beans?

Along with multiple virtues, beans have only one, but very significant drawback. It requires a fairly long and exhausting cooking, which is often the reason for refusing to use it. If you do not soak the beans from the evening or at least seven hours before the proposed preparation, in order to achieve their softness, you will need to boil them for several hours.

In the recipes below, let's talk about how not only to quickly and correctly weld white or red beans, so that it becomes soft, and consider the option of cooking frozen string beans .

How to quickly cook red beans without soaking?



To cook the red beans quickly, rinse it under cold running water, transfer it to a pan and fill it with purified water so that it covers the contents quite a bit. We put the vessel on the fire and, as soon as its contents boil, pour a little bit of ice water. We do this five times, creating temperature differences during cooking beans, which will greatly reduce the cooking time and red beans will become soft much faster than with traditional cooking. When the beans are cooked, and it takes about fifty minutes, we add them to taste and let them boil for another five minutes. Note that if you salt the beans at the beginning of cooking, then in this way, as with cooking all the legumes, its shell will become much denser, and it is unlikely to achieve the desired softness in a short time.

How to cook white beans quickly so that it is soft?



As you know, white large beans must be cooked longer than red. Its shell is denser, and the flesh often requires a longer cooking time. In this case, the contrast of the temperatures may not give the desired quick effect and then you can use another effective method of cooking.

In a container with pre-washed and watered beans, add a pinch of soda. Alkaline environment magically affects the beans, allowing them to become soft in a short time. On average, in order for the beans to cook, it will take forty to fifty minutes, and in some cases about an hour. Podsalivaem beans, as in the case of red beans, at the end of cooking.

This method has both unchanged fans and ardent opponents. The latter argue that soda significantly spoils the taste of beans, and feel its presence, while the first on the contrary believe that the taste of beans remains on top, evaluating this method of cooking as the most priority.

How to cook beans in a multivariate?



Prepare beans in a multivarque is easy. We rinse it well, put it in a multicast, fill it with water and set the regime "Soup" or "Quenching" for three hours. If you managed to soak the beans in advance, then the cooking time can be cut in half. Ten minutes before the end of the process, we add salt to the beans and mix.

How to cook frozen pods?



To boil the pods of frozen beans, it's enough just to put the product into boiling salted water that is pleasant to taste, wait for the full boil, cover the container with a lid, and allow the vegetable to boil for no more than two minutes. We merge the beans into a colander and immerse them in ice water for a few seconds, after which we can use the product for the intended purpose.