CA - 125 with endometriosis

In the correct and timely diagnosis of the suspected of endometriosis , the method of oncomarkers is increasingly used. In particular, such an oncomarker as CA-125 or tumor antigen CA-125.

The CA-125 index for endometriosis is very important, especially at an early stage of disease detection.

The norm of CA is 125 for endometriosis

The level of CA-125 in endometriosis is determined in peritoneal fluid and serum. Moreover, normally this cancer marker is always present in the tissue of the endometrium, as well as in the mucinous and serous fluids of the uterus. If natural barriers are not violated, then it does not penetrate into the bloodstream, and increases of CA-125 do not occur in the light and middle course of endometriosis.

Raising the level of CA-125

Elevated levels of the CA-125 can be observed not only in endometriosis. It can also be manifested:

Elevation of CA-125 in endometriosis

If CA-125 is elevated in endometriosis, then, since this glycoprotein is synthesized by the derivatives of coelomic epithelium, it is a marker of ovarian cancer . Therefore, an increase in the level of CA-125 in endometriosis may indicate a very unfavorable prognosis for a woman's health.

Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that the informativeness of this analysis is somewhat blurred. Doctors say that in almost 80% of cases it is necessary to conduct a whole series of studies before putting a reliable diagnosis - endometriosis. But with the diagnosis already made, the level of the oncoprotein CA-125 can successfully be an indicator of the success of the prescribed treatment.