Milk Thistle

Milk thistle refers to medicinal herbs, it has long been used to treat diseases of the liver and gall bladder. However, exploring the properties of this plant, scientists found that milk thistle can be effectively used for weight loss.

Milk thistle - good and bad

Among the useful properties can be identified:

But there are also small side effects:

Use milk thistle for weight loss is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. In addition, sometimes it does not combine with other medications, such as antipsychotics, sedatives, allergy remedies, for blood thinning.

Milk thistle - use for weight loss

Before determining the required amount of milk thistle for use, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you have liver problems. The most common and convenient option is to take a dry extract with a daily dosage of 280 to 450 mg.

In any pharmacy you can easily buy seeds or milk thistle for slimming. Milk thistle is a seed powder. Apply the plant in this way:

  1. Seeds pre-grind in a coffee grinder to the state of powder.
  2. Take them one teaspoon, with water before each meal.

You can also prepare a drink, for this, pour about 30 g of ground seeds with two glasses of water. Drink the broth for a few sips before eating.

This remedy has a slight laxative effect and helps with constipation. It contains a huge amount of vitamins (A, D, E, F, K and all vitamins of group B), as well as microelements important for the organism - copper, zinc, selenium, etc.

There are also ways to increase the effectiveness of taking milk thistle for weight loss. For example, combine it with the root of a dandelion. In general, dandelion does not apply to medicines, and its reception is considered absolutely safe, but nevertheless it is necessary to observe some caution, especially if you have reduced patency of the bile ducts.