Hemostatic drugs with uterine bleeding

As medical statistics show, uterine bleeding can occur in women of any age. And of course, it is necessary to observe and treat the specialists, because only they can tell what and what hemostatic drugs you need to take with uterine bleeding just for you. Doctors use a lot of different drugs to stop uterine bleeding, we'll try to tell you more about them, because for sure every woman is interested in what is being treated.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

As you understand, in the first place, doctors will do everything to stop the blood. For this, a woman is prescribed pills or injections that stop uterine bleeding.

Hemostatic tablets and injections in uterine bleeding

1. Dicycin (etamzilate) . With uterine bleeding, dicinone is one of the most effective drugs, it acts directly on the walls of the capillaries, reducing their fragility. In addition, microcirculation and clotting of the blood improve. Its big plus is that it does not provoke the formation of blood clots, nor does it constrict the vessels themselves. Injections of dicinone during uterine bleeding start to act very quickly, after 5-20 minutes and the effect lasts about 4 hours.

Of course, like all dicinone preparations, there are contraindications:

It is available in the form of tablets and a solution for injection.

2. Vikasol. Effective if bleeding is triggered by a decreased prothrombin content, because Vikasol stimulates its production. It can also be prescribed for hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis and an overdose of certain drugs - in these diseases it is just necessary to increase the production of this very prothrombin. Unlike dicinone, it can provoke the formation of blood clots, so it is not prescribed for use for longer than 4 days. After entering the body, it begins to function after 12-18 hours.


It is also available in the form of tablets and a solution for injection.

3. Fibrinogen. Is a preparation of human blood. It is used together with epsilon-aminocaproic acid (we'll talk about it below), so as not to provoke blood microincubation. This drug is produced only in powder for injection.

4. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid. It is often used after the procedure of scraping the uterus, after operations on the lungs and with an early detachment of the placenta. You can also sprinkle this powder with a bleeding wound. The effect of the use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid occurs in a couple of hours, after the administration of the drug.

5. Nettles. And of course, how to do without traditional medicine. Extract of nettle leaves with uterine bleeding stops blood well. Take it necessary for 25-30 drops for half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Nettle also helps with kidney and intestinal bleeding.

6. Liquid extract of the yarrow herb. Gives a greater hemostatic effect if combined with nettle extract.

All this is only a small part of what you can be assigned. A person far from medicine can not know all the nuances of this or that means, therefore never and at all do not be engaged in a selftreatment. With uterine bleeding medication should be prescribed only by a doctor.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

Whatever the cause of the beginning uterine bleeding, first aid in almost all cases is the need to put a woman in bed. If the bleeding started in a girl 12-18 years old, you can put a cool water bottle on her lower abdomen. After providing the patient with peace, it is necessary to call an ambulance and prepare things for the trip to the hospital. Such bleeding is treated only in a hospital and under the constant supervision of doctors.