Garden parquet

Every owner of a private house or cottage wants that the plot is not only well-groomed, but also looks beautiful. And practicality is not in the last place. Where it is more convenient to walk on a special floor covering than on gravel or earth, especially after the rain. It is for this purpose, and was developed decking, that is, garden parquet. Apply this modern coating in any open areas: on balconies, terraces, verandas and as garden paths .

Natural wood

The most environmentally friendly material for manufacturing is natural wood. In addition, such material can not be better harmonized with a cottage or a cottage-log house. His design appeal is obvious!

Natural wood has a number of practical advantages. Firstly, even after a downpour, your feet will not slide on such prefabricated wooden flooring, garden parquet made of wood repels moisture. Secondly, wood perfectly absorbs heat, which then gives away for a long time. This is true in the summer after sunset.

However, the shortcomings of this material are also available. Garden parquet from any breed of a thermal tree needs periodic prevention. For its production, exclusively treated with special chemical compositions of wood, which, of course, can not but affect the cost. In addition, the laying of garden parquet made of natural wood obliges the owner to paint it regularly and varnish, so that the external atmospheric effect does not have a harmful effect. Another nuance is the substrate. For parquet made of natural wood, special materials are used to prevent any contact of the deck with the ground.

The shortcomings listed above do not bother you? Then choose a breed of wood for decking with the mind. The most economical and practical option is pine. This type of wood is characterized by high density, the presence of a wide range of colors, as well as the possibility of tinting and staining. Quality decking of pine will last ten years, and if the wood was treated with antiseptics, then all sixteen!

Not inferior in strength and some exotic wood species. For example, teak parquet will serve long due to the large number of natural oils that it contains.

Garden parquet from larch, in addition to high density, has increased wear resistance. This tree species also tolerates temperature changes. Another advantage is the presence of a natural pattern on the wood. Thanks to it, slipping is eliminated. Most often decking of larch is used in arbours, on decorative summer cottages, terraces. For the same purpose, garden parquet is used from acacia and thermo-birch.

Wood-polymer composites

If you can not buy a decking from a natural tree, you should not be upset. Modern wood-polymer composite - an excellent and fairly inexpensive solution. Garden parquet from a mixture of plastic and wood preserves decorativeness, but in strength significantly exceeds the decking of natural wood. This parquet is a separate module, which is easy to lay on any surface. By the way, the basis for such a garden parquet can be both concrete and soil. And all because the composite plates on the surface are fixed not rigidly. A substrate for garden parquet in this case is not needed. Neither increased humidity, nor burnout, nor pests such a coating is not terrible.