Can I change indoor flowers in November?

As is known, indoor plants are to be transplanted in the spring or summer, when they are actively beginning to go into growth after hibernation. But sometimes there are times when you just need to do the transplant at the end of autumn or even early in the winter. The answer to the question whether you can replant room flowers in November and December, you will find here.

Why do flower transplants in November?

The reasons that guided the florists, there may be several. Here are the most common of them:

  1. If the plant is attacked by pests that in a short time are capable of destroying a flower, then immediate treatment of the flower with fungicides and replacement of the soil or its top layer is required.
  2. It happens that during active summer growth the flower considerably increases in size, and the pot is obviously becoming smaller. In order for development not to stop, it will take a transplant to a large capacity.
  3. Stopping growth, poor condition of the flower is also an occasion for transplantation to a new fresh land. After all, if the soil is old, too compressed, then the root system does not receive oxygen and the flower simply ceases to grow. In case of prolonged overflows, rootlets can rot and so you can even completely lose plants if you do not transplant them in time.

Transplant or transshipment?

It should immediately be stipulated that transshipment of plants in the autumn period is more preferable than transplantation. Completely replace the soil should be only if the horse system is plagued by rot and needs to be partially removed.

They pass the plant, slightly shaking off excess soil from the earth coma, but the roots remain in the same pressed condition as they were in the pot. Transshipment of the flower is carried out in a container, 3-4 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

Having decided on the size of a new pot and getting a primer, you should begin the transplant. For this, the plant needs to be properly poured beforehand, so that it easily separates from the walls of the pot.

At the bottom of a new container pour from 3 centimeters of expanded clay for good drainage, without blocking the holes. Plants with a superficial root system can be poured even half the pot, but already on top of the soil.

In flowers with lignified stems do not need to deepen the root neck. If this happens, you should gently pull the plant up until it is level with the soil.

When transshipping claydite fill the pot as well as during the transplant, then pour a couple of centimeters of soil, which put an earthen lump with roots. Between the walls of the pot and a lump of fresh soil, sealing it with a thin stick so that there are no voids.

After the transplant, the flower is well watered and placed on a not too lit window sill. All sorts of fertilizing should be done after a month and a half, in order to avoid burns of rootlets.

What can you replant in November?

If you have already decided to transplant, then it is best to transfer at this time those plants that have fallen or fall into hibernation. And here such as, for example, the slumberberger , which has just begun to lay buds, can react very negatively to interference from outside and not even blossom this season.