The lie and the truth about the attack of sharks - 15 facts

Sharks are one of the most "raspiarennye" predators. Human rumor ascribes to them monstrous bloodthirstiness, cunning and insidiousness. But are they really dangerous?

We are trying to figure out where in the stories about sharks truth, and where - fiction.

Every year hundreds of people die from the attack of sharks all over the world

False. In fact, shark attacks on humans are extremely rare. Data for 2016 speak of 161 episodes of meetings of sharks and humans in the sea, of which only 13 cases resulted in death. The probability of being attacked is 1 to 11.5 million. Thus, you are more likely to die from a lightning strike or drown than to become a victim of a shark. By the way, a person poses a much greater danger to the ocean predator than she does for him: in a year people kill more than 100 million sharks.

The shark attacked a man in Florida Keys (USA), June 2017

When attacking a shark you need to pretend to be dead, and then she will leave you behind

False. First, the shark has a well-developed sense of smell and it is unlikely that you will be able to deceive it in this way. But even if we assume that the predator believed in the death of the intended victim, her intentions will not change: she does not mind eating carrion.

The shark smells blood for a few kilometers

True. The sharks have a very developed sense of smell, and the smell of blood excites them pleasantly, that's why experts do not advise you to swim if you have fresh open wounds.

Human meat is a delicacy for sharks

False. In fact, a person is not a favorite dainty queen of the ocean. She prefers fatty meat of fur seals and seals. On people, the predator most often attacks by mistake, taking them for animals. Having attacked a person and snatching a piece of human flesh, a shark usually spits it. However, even one bite is enough for a lethal outcome ...

White shark is capable of ramming a wooden boat through and through

True. Indeed, the white shark has enough strength to make a hole in the bottom of the boat. However, not one such case has been documented.

Sharks are much more likely to attack men than women

True. According to statistics for the past 500 years, the victims of sharks in 93% of cases were men and only 7% - women. No, sharks are not muzhenenavistnitsami, eager for the extermination of the stronger sex. Simply men often swim alone and on average spend more time in the water than women. Consequently, they are more at risk of becoming a victim of a shark. There is also a version that sharks attract the smell of male sweat.

Women can not swim in the ocean during menstruation, because menstrual blood will attract a shark

False. Most scientists agree that menstrual blood of sharks is not particularly attractive. In any case, there is no evidence that women during the month are subject to attack by sharks more often than other people. However, when swimming in the ocean "these days" experts still advise using tampons.

If the dolphins are swimming nearby, the shark will not attack a person

True. Once the researchers conducted an experiment. They made a model of the dolphin and, together with the bait, lowered it into the water - to the place where sharks were born. No predator risked attacking prey. When the model was removed, the bait was instantly attacked. There are many cases when dolphins saved a person from a shark.

Anti-mesh grids are not effective enough and do not always protect against the attack of sharks

True. Unfortunately, anti-mesh grids built near beaches are not able to protect a person from sharks. The fact is that they are installed at a depth of 4 meters or even lower and do not connect directly to the shore, otherwise it would be impossible to navigate small ships in the area of ​​beaches. Thus, a shark can reach the bathers by floating over the net or by skirting it.

All kinds of sharks are dangerous for humans

False. Of the 450 species of sharks, only a few are a threat to human life. The most dangerous are white, tiger and tupory sharks.

A shark can attack a person even near the shore and in shallow water

True. Most recently, off the shores of Florida, a shark attacked a bather who was swimming near the sandy beach. The woman did not die, but her leg was seriously injured. There are cases when a toothy monster attacked people standing on the waist in the water, having confused their legs with their usual prey.

The shark does not see at night, so you need to bathe in the dark

False. Quite the opposite: people who swim at dawn, at sunset and at night are at greatest risk of becoming a shark victim. It is at this time that the predator goes hunting. And vision does not play any role here: first of all the shark is guided by smells.

Shark attracts bright colors

True. Therefore, during surfing or diving, you should not wear wet suits and swimsuits of bright colors. Also before bathing you need to remove all the jewelry.

When attacking, you need to beat a shark on the nose, eyes and gills

True. If you pull the attacking predator by the gills, sharply hit it on the nose or poke it in the eye with something sharp, there is a possibility that it will recede.

The habits of a shark are similar in many respects to the tactics of serial maniacs

True. Just like serial killers, sharks creep up to the victim imperceptibly, make sure that there are no "witnesses" next to them, and when attacking they use the experience gained in the attack on early victims.