Heaters - Types

To answer the question which of the types of heaters is better, one must understand the principle of the action of each and designate for itself the most important characteristics. The fact is that it is possible to divide all available devices both by the principle of operation and by the source of power. This is what we will do below.

Types of heaters for apartments

For ordinary consumers, it is easiest to distribute all available heating appliances according to the principle of operation. The fact is that there are almost identical models in all parameters, but working from a different source. For example, among the types of convector heaters are gas and electric . In other words, some work from the network, others from compressed gas. The essence of the work does not change. Therefore, it will be easier to distribute the types of heaters according to how they heat the room. So, let's start the review:

  1. Oil models can be safely called a classic in the market of heaters. Today there are both wall and plinth models. The principle of operation is incredibly simple: inside the radiator is an oil that heats up and thereby heats the case itself. As a result, we have a long-lasting battery. Many models have a thermostat and a timer, which only improves the characteristics. But it is important to remember that the case heats up strongly and objects that are easy to melt can not be placed side by side. This device works quietly and for a long time. For loggias and bathrooms one of the best types of heaters will be skirting oil, which features it: you can install it on any surface, it works safely and efficiently.
  2. Convectors are rightfully considered the most purchased today. The work is based on a temperature difference, the convection itself can be both natural and forced. Here, the difference with the first type is not only in the coolant used, but also in the form of the radiator itself. You can find both electrical and gas types for yourself. There are also water convectors, which operate on the same principle, but the working fluid becomes water.
  3. Infrared radiation is no longer a novelty in our homes. This is also one of the most commonly purchased types of heaters for an apartment. Again, we will choose them by power source. But first about his work. Infrared heater will not heat the air in your room, it will only heat all surrounding objects. That's why these kinds of heaters are installed also on the street: they do not warm the air in the yard, but you will feel comfortable. Inside the metal case there is a quartz lamp, special reflectors guide the rays to objects and heat them. This type can be hung on the wall, on the ceiling or put on the floor. These are electrical models. If we need a heater for a dacha, we will look for types of gas heaters. In the metal case there is a gas burner, which is the center of the design. Infrared radiators do not allow hot air to rise upward, but direct it to objects in the house. There are both powerful street versions, and more compact and less powerful room.
  4. The so-called electric fireplaces also operate from a grid or gas. This species can be referred to as infrared. The main feature is complete styling under the real fireplace.
  5. The smallest and most affordable among the types of electric heaters can be called air blowers . The spiral inside the case is heated, and the air passes through it and heats up. It will work only indoors, and you can not regulate this very job.
  6. Among the types of heaters, the working principle of microthermic is still novel and not clear to everyone. But in fact this species can also be safely attributed to infrared. The design provides a mica coating, which when heated emits useful to the human rays of the spectrum.