Dill - planting and care

Dill is quite common for our table. We add it to salads, soups, second courses. We use it in fresh or dried form. But to grow a really useful harvest, and even plentiful, it's not so simple!

Fennel growing outdoors

If on the beds of a neighbor's even rows with a bright green crop, and you never managed to grow a juicy greens, it is possible that you made mistakes when planting and caring for dill. Let's consider the basic rules of successful cultivation.

  1. The first and most important thing: to always have fresh greens on the table, several varieties with different maturation periods should be purchased at once. Once every two months, new seeds are sown.
  2. Before planting dill seeds, you should prepare the right soil. It should be fairly loose, with a high content of nutrients. If you ensure a fairly long light day and abundant watering, the first shoots will not keep you waiting. Sour soil on the site must be neutralized with lime.
  3. Seeds are pre-soaked. They absorb moisture and swell, as a result quickly sprout in the ground. Plant them immediately after they lay in the water for a few days. At the same time, they can remain dry.
  4. Cultivation and maintenance of dill after planting and the appearance of the first shoots presupposes weeding and fertilizing with phosphate and potassium fertilizers .
  5. Sow should be such that between the seedlings was not less than 10 cm, and between rows of 30 cm.
  6. For successful planting of dill and good care, it is worth choosing the right time. The most favorable read is the landing for the winter before the frost or early spring. During the winter planting, the seeds are buried 4 cm, in spring - 0,5 cm.

How to grow good fennel?

By itself, planting dill in an open ground is not difficult. But to grow a really good harvest is not so easy. Experienced gardeners argue that the most common problem they face when growing dill in the open is yellowing or shrinking greens. There are several reasons why dill turns yellow:

Often, summer residents also face dill pests. As a rule, greens affect aphids . There are several ways to combat this problem. The safest of them is nettle. How to deal with aphids on dill with the help of nettle: finely chop and insist on water for a week. Next few days in a row, this infusion should be watered beds. Plants perfectly absorb all nutrients and in a few days there is resistance against aphids.

Another method, how to deal with aphids on dill, is based on the use of ashes. It is poured hot water and left overnight. In the morning, the solution is filtered and a grated laundry soap is added. This solution is sprayed with beds. After a few days, rinse with water.

You can use onion husks and citrus peel. All this is poured with boiling water, insisted for three days. After this time, the mixture is filtered and bottled. As soon as signs of aphids appear, the beds are treated with this infusion.

Sometimes gardeners wonder why dill grows poorly. This problem occurs if there are not enough nutrients in the soil, in particular nitrogen. With a lack of phosphorus, the foliage can even acquire a reddish shade. That's why you do not need to forget about feeding, but you can not be too zealous too. Greens very much absorbs everything that you bring into the soil.