Pimple on the lip

Many do not consider the appearance of acne on the face, in particular on the lips, a serious problem. At the same time, their education can bring discomfort and a lot of trouble. So, for example, a pimple on the lip will spoil the image. In addition, it can be painful, especially during a conversation or eating. And if it is still damaged, then the infected infection can spread all over the face. Therefore, it is better to start treating the eel on time.

Causes of acne on the lips

Blockage of pores

White small dots may appear as a result of clogging of the pores of the skin near the lips. For treatment, appropriate pharmacy products or natural masks prepared at home are used. There are a lot of them - for each type of skin is chosen its own recipe.

Allergic reaction to cosmetics

In this case, rashes under or above the lips may not appear immediately. So-called allergens accumulate in the skin, and after a while they make themselves felt rash.

Predisposition to acne

Changing climate, weather, facial care can provoke acne in the mouth. The cause may be even stress or small changes in the diet.


One of the most common problems of purulent acne on the lips today is the herpes virus . It can hide in the human body until the moment when favorable conditions for its manifestation are formed. Basically, it is activated after the disease, when the natural immunity decreases. Excessive fatigue or overcooling also play an important role. If you know about the presence of the herpes virus in the body, it is desirable to constantly take immunomodulators.


It can cause quite serious damage to the lips and the surrounding area. White pimples appear on the inside of the lips, tongue and mouth. If you delay with treatment, such acne leads to the formation of very painful ulcers - aft. The reasons for the development of stomatitis are many, they are mainly related to internal diseases. Problems with the endocrine system, infections or allergies can also serve to form acne in the mouth. In some cases, even burns and mechanical damage resulted in the development of stomatitis.

Pimple on the lip - what to do?

Any treatment, whether a minor inflammation or a serious infection, it is better to trust professionals. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to contact the doctors for qualified care. There are several basic problems that can still be cleaned at home.

The first thing to note, if a pimple appeared on the lower lip, in no case can it be masked with lipstick, shine and other cosmetic means - this will only exacerbate the situation. Ideally, you should leave everything as is, and for several days, rub the damaged area with alcohol, tea tree oil or a tincture of calendula. After a couple of days, everything must pass by itself.

To remove the matured pimple, you need to first steam the skin over a hot tub - this will make the process less painful. After the inner part of the eel is removed, it is necessary to treat the affected area with alcohol or tincture. If there are no such remedies, a simple lotion or toilet water will save the situation.

To combat herpes, special pharmacy products are used. Most often - ointments. Well-proven wiping the inflamed area with medical alcohol, calendula or propolis. The funds do not allow the disease to spread and accelerate the healing process. To treat stomatitis it is recommended to use special antiseptic drugs.