Where better to sleep your head?

Since ancient times, humanity has been thinking about what should be the direction of the position of the body during sleep, because not only the ancient Chinese believed that the electromagnetic field of man is connected with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. The famous Charles Dickens also adhered to this theory and always checked the direction of the head of his bed on the compass, believing that she must turn north. Where it is better to sleep a head, will be told in this article.

Which side of the world should I sleep with?

Here, too, one should turn to the ancient Eastern teachings of the Yogis. Representatives of this theory believe that when going to sleep, it is necessary to coordinate their electromagnetic field with the Earth's field. Only in this way, in their opinion, a person can fully rest and wake up vigorously and full of energy . In this case, for each category of people the direction of the crown is different. To know your category - Western or Eastern, you need to calculate the number of Gua. First, add the last two digits of your year of birth, then fold again if a two-digit number is obtained. For men, the last result should be subtracted from 10, to adolescents born after 2000 - out of 9.

For women, the final result should be added from 5, and to adolescents of the same sex with 6. It must be remembered that there is no Gua number equal to 5. To a male with this result, it should be equated to 2, and to women to 8.

Which way is better to sleep head in accordance with the number of Gua:

Where better to sleep your head on Orthodox traditions?

Old Slavic ancestors believed that the door symbolized the entrance to a different, other world. And since more often people die by natural death at night, this increases the risk that the wandering by other dimensions of the shower will not return back in the morning. Therefore, it is not recommended to go to bed with your feet to the door. By the way, that's exactly the way - the feet of the dead Orthodox people are taken out of the house after the departed soul.

In any case, determining in which direction it is better to sleep with your head, you need to listen to inner feelings and your intuition . Each person has his own preferences and what is uncomfortable to one, can be quite convenient to another.