Donicant officinalis

This plant has several other names: hare chill, wild hops. The medicinal herb is a biennial medicinal plant that belongs to the family of legumes. It grows up to a meter in height. Typically, this plant can be found in meadows, junky lands or in ravines. Virtually all types of sweethearts are unpretentious and fairly hardy plants. They tolerate drought well, they are not afraid of diseases and pests. Blossoms almost all summer and early autumn. For a beekeeper it's just a find: a sweet clover is an excellent honey, honey from this plant is considered one of the most useful. This is only the "tip of the iceberg", in fact, the sweet clover possesses very many useful properties.

Useful properties of the clover

Useful properties of the clover are caused by the content of many useful substances. For example, coumarin is a substance that is formed during the cleavage of glycosides. In this case, there are also zymarin, melilot and coumarinic acids. In addition to these substances, the clover contains many more useful components. Due to coumarin, the clover has an anticonvulsant effect. Thanks to coumarin in the body, the number of leukocytes increases, which has a very positive effect on patients after radiation therapy. The use of the medicinal drone has found its place of honor in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and sleep disorders. It is used in the treatment of hysteria, migraines and insomnia. Donnik appoint for meteozavisimyh people with changes in weather conditions. In diseases of the respiratory system it is used as an expectorant. The grass also has a laxative effect.

Medicinal properties of clover are used for external ointments and lotions. Ointment based on the clover is used to treat boils (to accelerate maturation). According to its healing properties, the sweet clover may well surpass aloe. In the homeopathy medicinal medicine is used practically from all ailments. It is used for gynecological diseases; infusions and decoctions are taken with flatulence, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Donnik acts as a painkiller and relieves spasms. External it is used for various skin diseases. Decoctions and infusions of sweet clover have an anti-inflammatory, cleansing and soothing effect.

DonnĂ­k medicinal: application

From the clover it is possible to prepare a lot of medicinal infusions and broths, ointments and lotions. Traditional medicine uses clover for a very long time. Here are a few medicinal recipes for cooking sweet clover.