Is it possible to spray tomatoes during flowering?

Even inexperienced truck farmers know that it is not possible to get a good harvest without labor. And as for the cultivation of tomatoes, this statement is true for one hundred percent. In addition, it is important not only to make certain efforts, but also to do it at the right time. For example, such a simple operation as spraying can become both a guarantee of an excellent harvest, and irrevocably ruin the slightest hopes for it. About what time it is better to spray tomatoes and whether it can be done during flowering, we'll talk today.

What time is better to spray tomatoes?

First of all, let's determine why we need to sprinkle tomatoes. Spraying tomatoes, like other solanaceous cultures, has several goals before it, the first and most important of which is protection against diseases and pests. Spraying tomatoes with solutions of antifungal preparations (both chemical and natural origin), it is possible to save the future crop from death as a result of defeat by late blight , a widespread and dangerous fungal disease. The first spraying against the phytophthora usually takes place shortly after planting the tomato seedlings in the open ground or greenhouse, choosing for this the first half of the day and dry windless weather. In the future, spraying with folk remedies is repeated every 10-14 days until the crop ripens fully, and spraying with chemical preparations - in accordance with the instructions.

The second purpose of spraying is carrying out foliar dressings. Spraying on tomato leaves nutrient solutions, you can significantly strengthen the tomatoes and thereby increase your chances of a good harvest. For foliar dressings, you can use urea, serum, calcium nitrate, iodine , dissolving a small amount in 10 liters of water. Spend fertilizing-spraying is best in the evening, choosing for this clear windless days.

And, finally, the third purpose of spraying is to help tomatoes in ovary formation. This spraying is carried out during the flowering of the second and third tomato brushes.

How to sprinkle tomatoes during flowering?

Let us dwell in more detail on what can be sprayed tomatoes during flowering and why it is needed. As is known, at a high ambient temperature, the process of ovary formation in tomatoes is significantly slowed down. Since to create comfortable conditions for tying tomatoes is not in our power, we have to go another way - to help pollen "sprout" by special spraying. Most often for such stimulating spraying a weak solution of boric acid is used. Getting on the flowers, boric acid promotes their pollination and ovary formation, it has a beneficial effect on the formation of new growth points, and also leads to an increase in the sugar content in the fruit.

The recipe for a solution for spraying tomatoes during flowering is very simple: you need to dissolve 10 grams (a tablespoon with a slide) of boric acid in 10 liters (1 bucket) of pure standing water. Spraying with this solution can be repeated throughout the flowering period of tomatoes (up to 5 sprayings per season). Sprinkle tomatoes with boric acid best in the early morning or evening, in clear weather without the wind.

You can also spray tomatoes during flowering and vinegar, dissolving it in advance in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water. Acetic spraying, as well as boric, will promote the formation of the ovary, and also help protect tomatoes from the fatal for them late blight.