Why can not you sleep with your feet to the door?

In a dream, we spend the third part of life. Sleep is necessary for restoring energy and health, normalizing all body functions. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that sleep is full and deep.

There are many recommendations on this matter. And one of them says that you can not sleep with your feet to the door. You can find many stories that people who slept with their feet to the door, had a restless sleep, had nightmares, and the next morning they got tired and in a broken state. Of course, you should not explain this phenomenon only by the fact that a man slept with his feet to the exit. However, a certain share of truth in the notion that you can not sleep with your feet to the door, maybe.

Why can not you sleep in front of the door with your feet?

Our ancestors were sure that you can not sleep with your feet to the door. This belief was due to the fact that the door was considered a symbol of the way out into the other world. People understood that during sleep a person is helpless and defenseless. The fear of the mystery of sleep intensified and for the reason that people often died during sleep. Therefore, our ancestors believed that the closer the person's feet to the door, the easier it can get into another world.

In many religions of the world, one can come across the idea that at night the soul leaves the body and goes into the other world. The ancient Slavs also believed that the soul wanders at night separately from the body, and in the morning comes back. If the soul does not return, then the person will die. The person sleeping with his feet to the door showed his position to the other world, and the soul could perceive it as a desire not to return to it.

In ancient Norse myths, you can also find the answer, why you can not sleep with your feet to the door. In this regard, the myth about the three worlds is interesting. The upper world, in which only divine beings lived, was called Asgard. In the middle world, people lived in Midgarde. And in the lower world of Utgarde there were monsters and monsters. At the same time, the ancient Scandinavians believed that doors are a combination of two worlds, and through them the soul can fly to the world of lost souls and not return back. Sleeping with your feet to the door can provoke the attention of monsters from Utgard who will want to take the soul to their world.

Which door can not be slept by legs?

An ancient sign about sleep with feet to the door does not specify which door the door is talking about: interior or entrance. This is due to the fact that the ancient houses rarely consisted of several rooms. If the room is through and there are several doors in it, then it is a door entering the apartment. By the way, the feng shui pass - through room - not the best room for sleep.

How to sleep, head or feet to the door?

In the world there is a lot of unknown and supernatural, so it's hard to say exactly, the truth or the fiction of the belief that you can not sleep with your feet to the door. Many people say that they slept in this position for several years, and did not notice anything wrong with this. Perhaps it's about how much a person is impressionable. Sometimes people begin to be tormented by nightmares after they learn that you can not sleep to the door with your feet. If a person suffers from this issue and each time analyzes his dream, then such a person is better to change the location of furniture in his room.

Sleep should be calm, so you need to sleep in a position where nothing hinders a person. Nightmares and obsessive thoughts are an indicator of what is worth changing in the room.

There are many recommendations on how to put a bed in relation to the window, the door, the sides of the world, what pictures to hang in the bedroom, what to put at the head of the bed and others. Such a mass of recommendations can lead to the fact that a person will develop a neurosis . Therefore, you should definitely follow such recommendations as a dream with an open window and the last meal no later than three hours before bedtime. This will definitely help to sleep peacefully and effectively.