Pink salmon in batter

Pink salmon in batter - a fairly simple dish that does not require much time and effort. This fish not only turns out very tasty, but it is very useful. It contains many useful substances and minerals. We suggest that you learn in more detail how to make pink salmon in batter.

The recipe for pink salmon in batter


For batter:


So, first let's prepare all the necessary ingredients. We take fish, wash it, dry it and clean it from the skin and bones. Then cut into small pieces and sprinkle with spices. We remove the pink salmon while away, but we turn to cooking the batter .

To do this, we pour out the milk into a separate dish, pour in the flour and break the eggs. Next, knead a homogeneous thick dough with a blender, without lumps. Frying pan with vegetable oil well warm up, dip into the chicken pieces of fish and fry them to a delicious golden crust on both sides. We put the finished pieces on a plate decorated with fresh herbs, and served to the table.

Recipe for salmon fillet in batter


For batter:


Let's find out one more way how to fry pink salmon in batter. So, we remove the fish fillets from the skin, extract all the bones, wash them and cut them into pieces. For marinade mix lemon juice with vinegar, add white and black pepper, chopped fresh parsley and dill. In the resulting marinade we put the fish and set it aside for 15-20 minutes.

To cook the dessert, milk is cooled beforehand, pour in vegetable oil, we throw egg yolks and add salt to taste. Then add the sifted flour and knead the homogeneous dough. Whisk egg whites into a thick foam, put it neatly into the batter and mix well. Fish pieces dip into the prepared mixture, spread out on a frying pan and fry until a ruddy crust is formed.

A simple recipe for pink salmon in batter



For the preparation of pink salmon in batter, we process the fish, remove the skin, remove the bones, cut off the fillets and cut into small portions. Then salt, pepper pink salmon and sprinkle lightly with sugar.

Now go to the preparation of batter. To do this, we take the bulb, peel it from the husk and rub it on a small thyme. Then pour in the flour, salt, break the egg, mix thoroughly and gradually pour in the ice water. As a result, the dough should resemble thick consistency of sour cream. Then we put a frying pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it, warm it up well, dipped the fish in the batter and fry on medium heat from 2 sides to a golden crust.

Pink salmon in batter



First we process the fish, prepare the fillets and cut it into squares. Then we salt them, pepper to taste and season with spices. Next, prepare the dough, as in pancakes: we connect in a bowl milk, sour cream, eggs, flour and salt. Now carefully immerse each piece of fish in the dough and immediately send it to the heated oil. For these purposes, take a deep saucepan and fry the pink salmon in the batter over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.