Why does a hare dream?

A hare that has appeared in a dream is a controversial symbol that can predict both good and bad events. To still explain the dream to you will help other seen trifles.

Why does a hare dream?

In a dream, you chase an animal, then, soon you will make a series of attempts to achieve the goal , but to a great regret they will be meaningless. For a woman, a dream about a hare is a warning, that her partner in a certain situation in the future will show her cowardice. If in a dream a representative of the weaker sex runs after the animal is a sign that in real life she is making attempts to get a person who is not worthy of it.

Why does a white rabbit dream?

A dream in which you saw an animal of white color is a sign that soon you will receive an inheritance or unexpected profit. Another dream promises true friends and success in business.

Why does a gray hare dream?

Seeing an animal of this color in a dream means that in the future you are waiting for events that will cause serious distress. Another dream can predict the occurrence of different rumors. At this time, the dream book recommends that you postpone all your desires for a while.

Why does a black rabbit dream?

Such a dream is a warning for you that you are in for a risky financial transaction, so before you decide on it, you need to think it over carefully.

Why does a big hare dream?

The dream in which you saw a large animal will tell you that in the near future you will experience a feeling of great satisfaction and happiness, by improving your financial situation.

Why dream of catching a rabbit?

If in a dream you hold the newly-caught animal in your hands, then you will soon fall ill, but the ailment will recede and everything will be fine. Another such dream will tell you that everything that you will soon lose will certainly return, you just need to wait a little.