Hemangioma of the spine - how dangerous is the tumor, and how to treat it?

Hemangioma of the spine is a benign tumor that develops in the body of the vertebrae and leads to excessive proliferation of blood vessels. Education can develop in any part of the body, but is usually found in the lower thoracic or upper lumbar regions.

Hemangioma of the spine - what is it in adults?

Although this diagnosis sounds scary, the vertebra hemangioma is not a terrible phenomenon. These are benign vascular tumors that grow rapidly, but do not give metastases and do not degenerate into cancers. Doctors often have to face this phenomenon. Diagnosis of the hemangioma of the spine, usually randomly - when examining the musculoskeletal system for other disorders. According to statistics, in women, vascular tumors develop more often.

Hemangioma of the spine - causes

Exact versions of why there is a hemangioma of the spine, experts still do not. In most cases, the ailment is diagnosed in people who have a genetic predisposition to it. The cause of the hemangioma of the spine may also be in an increased amount of estrogen circulating throughout the body after birth. This explains the fact that the representatives of the fair sex vascular formations find more often.

What is dangerous for the hemangioma of the spine?

Whether such a danger is dangerous and how serious it is is a popular question. Since they do not degenerate into malignant, vascular tumors are not so terrible, but when the hemangioma of the spine takes dangerous dimensions, the probability of getting a vertebral compression fracture increases. In addition, large neoplasms can squeeze veins and lead to a violation of regional blood flow, which is fraught with myelopathy .

Signs of a hemangioma of the spine

Almost never a hemangione of a backbone signs displays - in 85% of cases patients at all do not guess about the diagnosis and continue to live an ordinary life. Problems begin when the tumor begins to grow actively, destroy the body of the vertebra and squeeze the surrounding tissue. At this stage, the hemangioma of the spine causes pain of varying intensity.

Hemangioma of the cervical spine

At the initial stages the disease does not manifest itself. Education is growing very slowly. The first signs become visible when the hemangioma of the cervical vertebra begins to press on the surrounding tissues. First, the pain in the affected area is not too intense, but over time it becomes more intrusive. This is due to increased pressure on the spinal cord and its end.

Hemangioma of the thoracic spine

Symptoms depend on where the tumor is located. Hemangioma of the thoracic spine has the following symptoms:

Hemangioma of the lumbosacral spine

Symptomatic traditionally becomes discernible when the hemangioma of the sacral spine becomes impressive. Formations from 1 cm in diameter are already considered dangerous. Since the vertebrae are the largest in the sacral region, even a 1.5 centimeter tumor causes unpleasant sensations. There is a hemangioma of the body of the spine with such symptoms:

Many patients even do not realize that the cause of all this is the atypical hemangioma of the spine and continue to lead a normal lifestyle. This is fraught with serious problems. The fact is that with a vascular tumor, the spine can not be subjected to excessive physical exertion, otherwise everything can end with a compression fracture, prolonged treatment and an even longer period of rehabilitation.

Hemangioma of the vertebra - treatment

The most effective methods of therapy should be selected by the attending physician. There are three main directions regarding how to treat a hemangioma of the spine:

Before choosing a treatment, the hemangioma of the spine of MRI and other diagnostic studies should be confirmed. If the education is very small and grows very slowly, it is better to leave it alone and not take any action. The reason is that the treatment does not allow completely to get rid of the tumor. All methods are aimed only at stopping the progression of the disease and alleviating the patient's condition.

Massage with a hemangioma of the spine

Therapy of a vascular tumor is a scrupulous question. Many methods of treatment in the presence of such education can not be applied. It is not recommended for patients with a diagnosis of the hemangioma of the vertebral body and do it unwillingly. The reason is that the physical effect will improve the blood supply, and the tumor can begin to expand rapidly. Massage is not prohibited only in certain cases, and the course must be coordinated with the doctor.

Exercises with hemangioma of the spine

Sports activities can also be dangerous in vascular neoplasm, but there are some practices that are even favorably treated by conservative specialists. When you think, when diagnosing a hemangioma of the spine what to do, you can remember a special yoga. Such treatment involves performing a number of simple exercises: twists, sprains, slopes - all those that include the usual warm-up. The main thing is to observe the basic rules:

  1. All movements must be performed smoothly without the use of force.
  2. Feeling discomfort, the exercise must be completed immediately.
  3. Do not overexert yourself. If you can not perform some exercise, do not do it through force.
  4. It is best to warm up twice a week.
  5. Exercises that cause soreness, it is better to exclude from the program.

Hemangioma of the spine - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine in vascular formations is not as effective, but there are some tips that can have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition. A small vertebral body hemangioma treatment, for example, involves rubbing. For the procedures, kerosene with sunflower oil and red pepper is used. It is best to rub the mixture into the affected area at night before going to bed.

Well-proven applications. They help to influence the biological points and normalize the energy balance of the body. You need to do the applique 6 - 10 times. For the preparation of their best suited flannel fabric. The material is wetted in kerosene and applied to a sore spot. On top of the application should be covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm kerchief. You can keep the medicine for up to three hours. Repeat the procedure is recommended 1 - 4 days.

A useful folk remedy is herbal baths. They do well with the soreness of the spine, relieve fatigue, rejuvenate the skin and even contribute to improving sleep. Take a bath every other day for a month. In parallel with this method of treatment, experts recommend visiting the pool. Swimming exercises also favorably affect the health of the spine.

Hemangioma of the spine - operation

Surgical intervention is considered justified only when conservative treatment methods are ineffective. The problem is that vertebroplasty of the vertebral hemangioma can harm a person and permanently leave him or her disabled. The main indications for the procedure are aggressive growth of the tumor or its achievement of critical dimensions. In this case, there is a constant pain, because of which a person can no longer live a normal life.

The operation is to remove the formation through the incision on the back. Small hemangiomas are cut out completely, but in some cases - when the tumor is too large - there is a risk of fracture of the spine and internal hemorrhage, because specialists need to extract only that part of the vascular lump that presses on the spinal canal.

During recovery from surgery, the patient should avoid physical overloads. You can not wear weights, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time in a sitting position. Rehabilitation excludes courses of massage, manual therapy. It is forbidden to use medicines and nontraditional medicines that cause a rise in temperature. At the first sign of a relapse, you should contact your doctor.