
Stagnation of blood in the veins usually leads to the formation of thromboses, from which the preparation Venarus is prescribed. It is a complex medicine with venotonic and angioprotective action. If the medicine is ineffective, it becomes necessary to replace Venus with something - analogues of the remedy exist, but there are not so many completely identical drugs that considerably complicates the replacement and further therapy.

Venus analogues in tablets

The drug described contains two active ingredients - hesperidin and diosmin. They produce the following effects:

The only drug completely identical to Venarus in composition and action available in Russia is Detralex. These tablets contain similar active ingredients, only hesperidin is included in the form of flavonoids, and diosmin is included in the micronized purified fraction. These nuances cause higher rates of release and absorption of the ingredients.

In addition, Detralex, being the original drug, underwent numerous medical studies. The medicament described has not been studied in detail.

In fact, Venus is an analogue of Detralex, which explains its cost (almost 2 times cheaper). Accordingly, reviews, both doctors and patients, both venotonics are equally effective, practically do not cause side effects.

It is worth noting that there are even less expensive Ukrainian analogues:

Indirect analogues of the preparation Venarus

In some cases, it is advisable to replace the drug in question with a synonym or a generic drug slightly different in composition, but similar in effect to the action.

Here's what you can fully replace Venarus:

The listed tableted medicines are synonyms of Venarus. They are based on one active substance - diosmin, in a concentration of 600 mg.

There is also a large number of generics containing other active ingredients, but with a similar effect:

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the presented names is slightly lower than that of the described drug, so the replacement should be agreed with the doctor in advance.

Venus analogues in the form of gel

Complex therapy of venous stasis and thrombosis involves not only internal reception of angioprotectors and venotonic drugs, but also local application of such drugs.

Venus is not produced in the form of a gel, but it can be supplemented with the following effective medicines:

It should be noted that the listed local medicines should be used only as supporting agents included in the complex therapy developed by the doctor, and not as mono drugs of the first choice.