Cancer of the spine - the first symptoms

Cancer of the spine is one of the most formidable diseases. As a rule, most often this diagnosis is caused by the appearance of tumor metastases located elsewhere. In most cases, these malignancies are in the lungs, stomach, prostate or mammary glands. It is much less likely to diagnose a primary cancer of the spine, i.e. when the tumor appears directly in the spinal cord.

Symptoms of spine cancer in the early stages of development

In the case of cancer, obvious symptoms, as with most malignant tumors, appear already at the stage of active development of the disease.

One of the earliest symptoms of spine cancer is pain. Initially, it can appear periodically and it can easily be confused with the usual back pain with osteochondrosis or muscle strain. The localization of this pain can be different, but more often it is felt in the sacral region and the middle part of the spine. When you massage the place where you feel pain, you can feel a small bump on the bones of the spine. When you press it, the pain intensifies. Most often, pain caused by cancer of the spine, appear at night or in another period of human presence in a horizontal position. Imminent at the beginning of the pain with the development of the tumor become intolerable towards the end and amenable only with the use of narcotic drugs.

Other symptoms of spine cancer

With the course of the disease, there are other signs of cancer of the spine:

  1. As a result of compression of the tumor by the nerve end, changes in the sensitivity of the limbs begin. When the tumor is localized in the lumbar region, the sensations in the legs change, and in case of cancer of the cervical spine this symptom is also manifested on the hands. There may be itching, tingling of heat or cold in the fingers of the extremities. Gradually, to these first signs of spine cancer, numbness of the fingers is added.
  2. Visible changes are expressed in the disturbance of the functioning of the motor apparatus. It becomes difficult for a person to move around and the gait changes, the work of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, which causes frequent falls, muscle tone decreases. At visual inspection at the advanced stages it is possible to notice a small deformation of a vertebral column.
  3. Problems with emptying. Depending on the development of the disease and the affected area, this can cause difficulty (constipation, difficulty with urination). But, most often, due to a decrease in muscle tone, uncontrolled caloric and urination is observed.
  4. With a tumor that affects the thoracic region, dyspnea , palpitations, digestive disturbances appear.
  5. With cancer of the cervical spine, a large part of the body is affected, which is below the localization of the tumor. With the passage of time, people begin to suffer headaches and impairment of the respiratory process, which are aggravated due to a disruption in the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
  6. In women, the symptoms of spinal cancer are accompanied by violation of the menstrual cycle, in men, disruption of the reproductive system is expressed in violations of erection and ejaculation.

Treatment of spine cancer

As in most other cases, the cancer of the spine is a direct indication for a surgical procedure. During it occurs simultaneous removal of the affected area and its replacement with other tissues, with the maximum possible preservation of functions. Most often, the tissues of the abdominal bone of the person are taken for replacement. Much less often, substitution is done by donor material or metal grafts.

In the presence of metastases, as well as the impossibility of complete removal of the tumor, are connected with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Also, concurrent use of corticosteroids, for example, Dexamethasone, is often prescribed to reduce intoxication and improve general condition.