Ultrasound dopplerography

The circulatory process can be disrupted as a result of the formation of thrombi, atherosclerosis and other pathologies of blood vessels and veins. Getting detailed information will make it possible to correctly diagnose. To do this, ultrasound dopplerography is prescribed.

This method shows the state of the circulatory system in real time, by outputting sound and graphic information and estimating the flow rate of the arterial and venous streams. The procedure has practically no contraindications and is completely painless.

Ultrasonic dopplerography of vessels of lower extremities

Examination may be necessary if there is a course of pathological processes in the blood supply system, in particular in the presence of abnormalities in the vessels, you are noted:

Ultrasonic dopplerography of the vessels may be necessary for such diseases:

Ultrasonic dopplerography of veins of lower extremities

On the presence of problems with the veins testify:

Dopplerography allows you to assess the diameter of the veins and identify the presence of blood clots. The doctor receives information not only about the veins on the surfaces, but also about the deep located (femoral, iliac, etc.). In this case, such diseases are found:

Ultrasonic dopplerography of cerebral vessels

UZGD in this case is prescribed to patients suffering from noise in the ears, opacity in the eyes, insomnia, fatigue, changes in sensitivity and impaired motor function. Using the procedure, you can identify:

The doctor assesses the likelihood of stroke as well as the risks of complications in surgical interventions.