How to measure pressure by a mechanical tonometer?

Despite the variety of modern electronic devices, the mechanical tonometer remains the leader in pharmacy sales. And it's not only in its low price compared to semi and fully automatic analogs, such a device is more durable and does not depend on the availability of batteries or batteries. The only difficulty with it can arise if a person does not know how to measure pressure by a mechanical tonometer. Working with this device is easy, it is easy to learn from the first use.

How to measure blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer correctly?

Before the beginning of the procedure it is important to prepare a person and ask him:

  1. Remove the tight-fitting arms and trunk clothing.
  2. Empty the bladder.
  3. Refrain for some time from smoking and drinks with caffeine, alcohol.
  4. It is convenient to sit on a chair.
  5. Place one hand on the table and relax it.

If all the recommendations are fulfilled, you can proceed with immediate measurements.

Here's how to learn how to accurately measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer:

  1. Roll up the sleeve so that it does not squeeze the hand. The elbow should be slightly bent and lean on a flat surface, be at the level of the location of the heart.
  2. Wrap the tissue cuff around the arm just above the elbow (2-3 cm). It should fit tightly to the skin, but not too tight.
  3. Place the phonendoscope on the brachial artery, it can be felt first, finding a pronounced pulsation. Typically, the artery is located approximately on the inner crook of the elbow. Hold the phonendoscope with your index and middle fingers.
  4. Tighten the screw on the side of the pear tightly by turning the knob clockwise until it stops. Pump air into the cuff, pressing with your free hand on the pear. It is recommended to inject air until the arrow of the blood pressure monitor reaches the figure of 210 mm Hg. Art.
  5. Stop pressing on the pear, slightly open the valve, turning the knob slightly counterclockwise to let the air come out. At the same time, the pressure reading on the tonometer will decrease by 2-3 mm Hg. Art. per second.
  6. Attentively listen and simultaneously look at the scale of the tonometer, until no sound is heard in the headphones (Korotkov's sounds). The figure on which the arrow of the device is located, when the first impact was heard, is an indicator of systolic (upper) pressure. Gradually, the knock will soften and subside. It is important to fix the value on the blood pressure monitor when the last audible sound is heard, this diastolic (lower) pressure.

How can I measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer?

The sequence of actions for self-use of the device is similar to the above-described instruction. Only in this case it will not be possible to hold the phonendoscope with your fingers, it will have to be placed under the edge of the cuff.

The hand on which it is measured, should be completely relaxed and free. Pump air only with a free hand.

To refine the obtained indicators, you can measure the pressure twice, with a difference of 3-5 minutes.