Cleaning after a miscarriage

Cleaning of the uterus after miscarriage is necessary in those cases when, as a result of the interruption of pregnancy, parts of the fetal egg or fetal membranes do not leave the uterus. With existing threats to women's health, such as bleeding and the presence of signs of infection, scraping after an abortion is carried out immediately. Sometimes doctors recommend waiting a few days to allow the tissues to leave the uterus themselves.

In some cases, women are prescribed medications that accelerate cleansing. But the use of medication can trigger the development of side effects, such as nausea or even vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive system disorders.

How does the cleaning after a miscarriage occur?

During scraping, remove the upper layer of the uterine lining. This can happen with the help of special tools or a vacuum system. This procedure is quite painful and is often done with anesthesia. Cleaning lasts from fifteen to twenty minutes. After the end of the anesthesia, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, as in menstruation. Their duration can be from several hours to several days. In this case, special treatment is not required.

Immediately after the procedure, abundant spotting is possible. After two or three hours, they contract, but a woman can observe them for up to ten days. If after curettage the discharge quickly ceases, it can signal the spasm of the uterus and the accumulation of blood clots in it.

The consequences of cleaning after a miscarriage

The main complications of curettage can be:

If a woman's body temperature has risen above thirty-eight degrees Celsius, bloody discharge quickly stops or, conversely, does not stop for a long time, it is necessary to consult a specialist who can prevent the development of complications.

The misconception of women about how cleaning occurs after a miscarriage causes a lot of unreasonable feelings. About whether the cleaning after a miscarriage is needed, can only tell the doctor, after examining a woman with ultrasound. And only according to the results of the study it is possible to say whether cleaning after a miscarriage is mandatory.