Home plumeria from seeds

One of the most popular ornamental plants, which has an excellent aroma, a variety of colors, is plumeria, growing from seeds at home requires a lot of effort. However, with competent care, the result will surpass all expectations.

How to grow plumery from a seed?

Decorative plumeria is seen as a tree, because it has a trunk and branches. It is easy to determine by petals, one layer of which is superimposed on the other. Plumery of seeds at home is loved to grow because of its amazing properties - at different times of the day the plant smells differently. In the morning the aroma is felt stronger and similar to the scent of gardenia, jasmine and exotic spices. At home, the plant reaches 2 m in height. Certain types can be used even for creating bonsai .

Plumeria from seeds at home multiplies exclusively by seeds. In nature, they fall to the ground, and in the conditions of an apartment they are extracted from pods. Make it necessary, when they dry up and wrinkle. It is important to know that the plumeria of the seeds will be an absolutely unique new tree. To extract seeds, it is better to wear gloves, because the juice of the pods is toxic. On flat seeds, which are already ripe, the spine is clearly visible. They are left to dry for 3-4 hours, but not for long, otherwise the germination decreases.

How to grow a plumery of seeds?

Even if the finished material was bought in the store, and not prepared independently, there are still questions, how to plant a plumery of seeds? First they are prepared as follows:

  1. Place on a paper towel and cover with a second, which is moistened.
  2. Place in a plastic box and leave for 6-8 hours under the sun's rays.
  3. Periodically moistened with water from an atomizer.
  4. To stimulate growth, the seeds are dipped in a solution of Epin, then the tree will not be affected by any diseases. They are treated and planted in the ground with wings.

After the seeds are left in a warm place for a day, the plumeria seeds are planted, it rises in 8-9 cases out of 10 if all conditions are met. The process itself looks like this:

  1. A 5 cm thick soil is poured into the box.
  2. Seeds are digested for a third, leaving a wingspan on the surface. It should be located strictly perpendicular and be from others at a distance of 5-7 cm.
  3. Top cover with a film or glass, leave in a warm place.
  4. Every day the seeds are ventilated, taking off the film for 20-30 minutes.
  5. The earth is periodically moistened.

When the seeds of the plumeria have cracked, they will ascend soon, almost immediately afterwards. Roots appear a week or more, sometimes it takes up to 25 days. Determine if the root appeared, you can by the wings, in case of appearance it will bend. In order for the leaves to develop normally, the winglet and the thin shell beneath it are neatly removed.

How to plant a plumery?

The next stage after germination of seeds is planting of plumeria. Thus it is recommended to adhere to such rules:

  1. Transplant the finished seeds when two green leaves appear.
  2. For planting, separate pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm are used.
  3. Too often to move seedlings from one pot to another is not recommended, because of this they may die.

Primer for plumeria

To plumeria in the pot felt comfortable and well developed, it is important to choose the right soil for it:

Plumeria - care

When the grower grows plumeria at home, it is necessary to organize proper care for her, which consists in observing the following requirements:

Plumeria - Diseases

Since the tree has a poisonous juice, most pests and diseases are not terrible to him. The only one to beware of is the spider mite. When infecting, thin threads appear, which are intertwined with leaves, and at the tip a carpet of many ticks arises. To prevent its appearance, such measures will help:

There is one more situation that growers can come across in which the plumeria grows - the leaves of a plant grow black. This means that very abundant watering is done. In addition to blackening, it leads to rotting stems and roots. If such a situation arises, watering should be stopped for a while, and the top layer of earth in the pot should be loosened up. In the case when the plumerium leaves have turned yellow, watering is not carried out to the contrary.

Plumeria - cultivation

Inflorescences, vanilla, cream and other flowers are collected at the top of the tree. Because of the wide variety of shades of inflorescences and plumeria, the blossoming at home is limited to the summer months. Since the plant produces poisonous juice, then it is necessary to look after, touch and transplant it only with gloves. If the house has plumeria, the growing of seeds implies that in late autumn, after a plentiful flowering, it drops the leaves as an ordinary tree. Do not worry about this, it's absolutely normal process, it will last a month or less.