How to grow celery?

This culture recently more often fills the beds of our truck farmers due to their good and pleasant taste. Of course, it is not difficult to buy root crops and celery greens in the store or on the grocery market. But you will agree that the harvest obtained by your own hands is always much tastier than the one bought. So, it's about how to grow celery.

How to grow celery in the open ground?

In unprotected soil, plant celery seedlings. She begins to study in February, sowing in separate cups or small seedlings cassettes of three seeds. The tanks are watered, then covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect, and then transferred to a sunny place. Before emergence, the pots are watered and ventilated. Usually shoots can be seen on the 10-15 day after planting.

For seedlings, the optimum temperature is considered to be between 19-21 degrees. A photophilous plant will need to organize additional illumination and timely, but moderate watering. Over time, only one, the strongest plant is left in a glass or cassette, cutting off the stems of the remaining seedlings. Transplanting plants in the open ground is carried out in May, when stable warm weather is established without the risk of frost. This should be an open and sun-warmed area without drafts.

Small bushes are planted in such a way that the growth point is located at the level of the soil surface. The distance between the plants should not be less than 25-30 cm. After planting the seedlings are abundantly watered.

If we talk about how to grow celery at home and get the maximum yield, then we recommend following several rules for caring for this generally undemanding culture. First, do not forget about the timely watering of the beds. Do not wait until the earthen mash completely dries. Secondly, between watering, do not forget about loosening the soil, on which plants react very favorably. Third, organize at least two additional dressings for celery. In the spring it can be infusion of humus (in the ratio 1:10). In the middle of summer superphosphate is used.

If you have a root celery growing on the bed, the following rules should be added to the above rules. During the summer, do not remove leaves, they are cut off a couple of weeks before harvesting. In addition, do not spend rooting the root, on the contrary, the ground should be slightly off from it. Harvest is collected by the middle of autumn.

How to grow celery on a windowsill?

If your site has grown root celery, you can try to get fragrant greens from the root. After harvesting, select small-sized root vegetables. They need to cut off long leaves, small shoots can be left. For planting use a box or a pot. The soil is prepared from soddy land, humus and peat, which are taken in equal proportions. It's a good idea to place a layer of pebbles or expanded clay on the bottom of the tank to improve the drainage properties, because the moisture-loving culture does not tolerate stagnation of moisture.

If several root crops are placed in the container, they are placed at a distance of at least 6 cm. It is important not to deepen the root crop so that its top is completely covered with soil.

In how to grow greens from the root of celery, there are no special difficulties. It is important to water only as necessary, so as not to lead to decay. It is also better to place the pot on the south or west window, so that the plant gets as much light as possible. By the way, there is no need for top-dressing, since all the necessary nutrients the growing green will take from the root.