Care for Violets - simple rules of growing at home

This cute and delicate flower is unpretentious and will please you with long and plentiful flowering. Caring for violets at home does not mean anything complicated - to make the plant feel good, it's important to remember a few rules.

Care for Violet at home

Thanks to its unpretentiousness, this indoor flower enjoys incredible popularity. Proper care for violets is to create favorable conditions for the flower. One of the most important moments is lighting. This plant is very fond of light, for violets it is necessary to choose the most lit window, but without direct sunlight. If your house does not have well-lit places, it is better not to buy this flower.

How to water a violet at home?

Violet is considered to be an unpretentious flower, but watering is a very important point, and leaving here should be ideal. The most common reason for the death of violets in the home is ignorance of irrigation rules. They do not like frequent watering or drying out of the soil, so it is very important to maintain a balance. Spray the violet can not, but it is very useful for them moist air.

Water the plant 1-2 times a week, depending on the season and monitoring the condition of the soil. Use filtered or standing water at room temperature. In the care of violets, it is more important how it is watered. It is necessary to make sure that the water does not fall on the flowers or on its leaves - stagnant moisture quickly leads to decay.

The ideal variant of moistening the soil for violets is to place the pot in the pan with a water level of 2/3 the height of the pot. But the rules of care forbid leaving water in reserve - this will cause rotting roots. The vase should be removed from the water after 20-30 minutes, allow it to drain and put on a dry place. Once a month, or even less often, it is useful for the violets to make a shower, but after the procedure it is necessary to dry the flower well, remove the water from the leaves and flowers with a towel.

Transplanting violets at home

Care for violets implies their planned transplantation about once a year, and less often. This is necessary not so much for soil renewal, as for the prevention of diseases - patients, dry and decayed roots are removed. The transplantation is very simple:

  1. Violet is extracted by their pot together with an earthen lump.
  2. Carefully remove the earth from the roots. The root system is carefully examined for decay or drying, remove.
  3. In the pot we impose a layer of drainage , from above we pour the soil a few centimeters.
  4. We set the flower in the pot, fill the soil and gently tamped it.
  5. Immediately after the transplant, we moisten the soil by all the rules.

Caring for violets after transplantation does not imply any special actions. It is possible that the flower will take time to adapt - the leaves in this case look sluggish, but after 2-3 days everything should come back to normal. The abundance of soft sunlight, regular regular watering will help the flower to adapt very soon. But the flower often transplants the transplant very easily.

Ground for violets

An important rule in the transplantation of violets - the substrate must be very light and loose. In the flower shops, ready-made soil mixtures intended for these plants are sold. When choosing, be careful - the soil for violets must include the following components:

What pot is needed for violets?

When choosing a pot for violets , remember - it does not mean better anymore. The roots of this flower do not grow in depth, they remain on the surface of the flowerpot. There are standard sizes of special pots for violets:

Change the size of the pot of violets is not more often than once in 2-3 years, depending on the rate of growth and development of the root system. If the flower has ceased to be placed in a pot 9 x 9 in size, when transplanting it is good to shake off its roots from the ground and place it in the same size. Planting a violet into an excessively large pot is dangerous for a number of reasons:

  1. The leaves will grow actively, but you can not wait for flowering.
  2. Soil, where there is no root system, begins to sour and deteriorate, which is fraught with rotting roots.
  3. For the same reason, large pots are more often infected with pests and fungal infections.

With regard to the choice of material, there are several options, how pot for violets should be:

  1. Plastic. The benefits of the pot include ease and budget price, but there is an important drawback - this material does not provide the right amount of air. The solution to the problem can be a special tray with a cross-shaped shape, as well as holes on the sides of the pot.
  2. Ceramics. It is different - poured glaze or not bathed. Blessed has the same drawback - air obstruction, but their plus in beauty and durability. In not potted pots, the violet will feel much better, but they are short-lived - over time they lose color, their structure breaks down, cracking is possible.

Care for violets to bloom

If care of room violets is carried out correctly, they bloom abundantly and for a long time, sometimes as much as 10 months a year. And if the violet does not bloom , what do you do then?

Care of violets during flowering

If you created good conditions for plants and provided the right care, then the flowering of violets can last almost all year round with a short break for a couple of months. With the onset of summer, and as a consequence, with increasing air temperature, the violet ceases to bloom. If you want to extend this period, it is important to provide the plant with a cool - place in a chilled room, you can remove it from the window sill if it is too lit. But notice that the new place is not too dark for the violet.

Diseases of violets and pests

In many cases, room violet diseases are a consequence of improper care or unfavorable conditions for it. But most of them are successfully treated. So, with what problems can the florist come across, growing violets?

  1. Powdery mildew. The first symptom, which is easy to recognize even at the initial stage, is a light coating of white color, as if the plant was sprinkled with flour. For treatment, the flower should be transferred to a warm and dark place, treated with fungicides.
  2. False mildew is treated in the same way as the present one. It differs in symptoms - a white coating appears first from the underside of the leaves, then on the top.
  3. Rust is a fungal disease that is easily recognized by the spots of brown color. On the reverse side of the leaves it is easy to notice yellow pustules - these are fungal colonies. For treatment, it is important to remove the affected leaves, isolate the flower from other plants and treat with a fungicide.
  4. Root rot. The first symptom is that the violet does not bloom for a long time. The cause of the disease can become excessive moisture, lack of drainage or poor-quality soil. To save the plant, remove the lower leaves, cut off the root part, the plant is treated with a fungicide. Then we put it in water root-forming stimulants and planted anew.

Another problem that can be faced is parasites, but if they are recognized at an early stage, they can be easily disposed of with insecticides and the plant will recover. The most common pests of violets are: