Actard for indoor plants

Very often the dream of a luxurious flower garden on the windowsill is broken through the fault of various pests infringing on the beauty and health of indoor plants. To once and for all get rid of intruders, we recommend using a systemic insecticide called "Aktara."

"Aktara" - description of the drug

Insecticide "Aktara" refers to preparations of intestinal-contact action, showing activity against the majority of suckers ( aphids , whitefly, bug, zukadka), miner (miner moth) and gnawing (flea, beetle, beaver, scab ) insect pests. Acquired under the action of "Aktara", the pest ceases to drink juices from the plant and dies within 24 hours.

"Aktara" is produced in the form of granules, which can either be applied directly to the soil, or used to prepare a solution for spraying plants. In any case, the first results from the application of "Aktary" will be visible within 15-60 minutes, and in 24 hours all pests will die.

On sale you can find two types of packaging of the drug - 4 grams vacuum bags and 250 g glass jars. For home floriculture is quite enough for smaller packaging, since one gram of the drug is enough to handle 250 flower pots.

The insecticide "Aktara" is convenient because it can be used at any time of the year and in any weather, since its formula is resistant to sunlight and does not change activity depending on the humidity of the air. In addition, the drug is compatible with other types of insecticides and various top dressings.

"Aktara" - application for indoor plants

For the treatment of indoor flowers, the insecticide "Aktara" is bred in water with a temperature of at least 25 ° C. 5 grams of water is taken 4 grams of the drug. The prepared solution is sprayed with plants damaged by pests, and then carefully ventilate the room. If, for some reason, it is impossible to spray, then the "Aktary" solution watered the soil in flower pots. In this case, the solution is prepared in such a proportion: 1 gram of the preparation per 10 liters of water.

By sucking the roots of the plant, "Aktara" gets into its juice and thus also affects the insects. This makes the application of "Aktary" for indoor plants very convenient, since it allows you to get rid of pests living on the underside of the leaf. After introduction into the soil, the period of protective action of the drug is 45 days, and after spraying - 20 days.

Despite the excellent damaging and protective properties of "Aktara" can cause addictive insects, therefore, for maximum protection, this drug must be alternated with other insecticides.

"Aktara" from a spider mite

Quite often houseplants fall prey to a spider mite. Can I use "Aktaru" to fight it? The instructions to the drug indicate that it is ineffective against all types of mites. But many growers note that after using "Aktary", not only the scabbards and aphids left the plants, but also the spider mite. Most often this happened with the primary damage to plants by this pest.

"Aktara" - precautionary measures

Using "Aktaru" should not be neglected precautions: protect the skin of hands with gloves, and respiratory system - a respirator. If contact with the skin could not be avoided, the damaged area should be thoroughly washed with soap and rinsed with an abundant stream of water and mucous eyes. In addition, you can not store Aktaru in places where children or pets can find it. If the drug was eaten, the victim should be given plenty of drink and induce vomiting, then give activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight and call an ambulance.