Ganoderma - how to take for weight loss?

Ganoderma, or in another way, lingzhi - is a tinder fungus, used as a natural medicine, is distributed in places of temperate climate. It is based on drugs that lower blood pressure and normalize the heart system. The most common application of lingzhi is the fight against excess kilograms.

Method of using ganoderma for weight loss

Ganoderma does not directly have a fat burning effect, but some of their useful properties actually contribute to weight loss. They normalize metabolic processes in the body, dilate blood vessels, have a diuretic effect and act as an antioxidant.

How to take ganoderma for weight loss?

Use this mushroom to fight with extra pounds can be in the form of alcohol and water extracts. On sale can also be found capsules with ganoderma. The application of this fungus will be effective in any form, but the easiest way is to make water tincture from it.

How to brew ganoderma for weight loss?

Several tablespoons of chopped mushroom should be poured in 350 ml of water and cook for five minutes. Insists such a drink 8-10 hours. You can put it in the thermos for the night.

How to drink ganoderma for weight loss?

The resulting tea can be eaten according to a certain pattern: every day 40 minutes before a meal, drink 2 tablespoons 5 times a day. Such an effective slimming drink can be brewed several times. The course of weight loss can last until the desired result is achieved.

But this is not all the ways how you can cook ganoderma for weight loss. 1 tablespoon chopped mushroom should be put in a jar and pour boiling water, then tightly close the lid. After 15 minutes, the resulting aqueous tincture can be added to the tea.

From ganoderma prepare and alcohol tincture. To do this, 10 grams of chopped lingzhi need to pour 500 ml of vodka, close and press for 6-8 weeks in a dark place.

Contraindications to the use of ganoderma

Tinctures and preparations from ganoderma should not be used in case of violations of blood clotting, hypotension, kidney failure, chronic kidney disease. During pregnancy and lactation it is also not recommended to use these fungi. In case of individual intolerance, their use should be excluded.